Chapter 16 - The Second Head

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After they successfully destroyed the Aserian farmland, and the unlikely alliance was made, they wait a day before going to the Scholar District. On the day of, a heavy fog sits on top the land.

Allisia : Myne, this may be our opportunity to strike. The fog will cover us, and we can enter the city unnoticed.

Myne : Sound the bell, we shall undergo the next step of our campaign.

Allisia rings the bell in the tower of their port city. The troops line up, and prepare for deployment. Allisia blows on the war horn, and they ride to the Scholar District. Before reaching, Myne announces on Allisia's horse.

Myne : My people! This mission will require stealth! We enter the city undetected and use that opportunity to burn their knowledge! That is our priority. Should you encounter any opposition wielding magic, take their catalyst and burn their tome. Opposition wielding weaponry shall meet death! From here on, silence!

As they reach the district, the heavy fog starts to lighten and they rush to meet their goal. They enter though the main entrances of the district, killing armed guards and taking as many books as they can. Soldiers begin to light entire libraries on fire, and break into homes to search for tomes. The Aserian army is unaware, and they leave the city burning. Every library is set ablaze, the smoke making it impossible to set foot into one to retrieve anything. Girahan troops leave and make their way to the last district, Erradian. A few of the leading craftsmen are outside waiting for them.

Sicar : Your leader, let me speak with them.

Allisia rides to the front, presenting Queen Myne.

Myne : Queen Myne of Girahan. Are you buying time?

Sicar : Ha! No. We know what you're doing, going around destroying the districts. What we came here to say is that Erradian welcomes you.

Myne : Why is that? We are destroying your country.

Sicar : And that same country abandoned us when they found sorcery. No one here knows how to bind a book, but we know how to shape steel. Aseria forgot what a traditional war looks like. Your steel can be repaired by us, we just ask for your protection.

Myne : What do you think, Allisia?

Allisia : Some soldiers have worn weaponry and broken shields. New equipment never hurt anyone. They seem willing since Aseria never treated them right.

Sicar : We have a deal?

Myne : Yes.

In a single day, the outside of Aseria is conquered. It leaves the epicenter defenseless and open. Karia's forces are sent each time to fend them off, but she reteats after discussing situations with Myne and Allisia. All that remains is their sorcery, and the threat of Theta at any moment. Days are spent repairing equipment, forging new pieces. With new steel in hand, the troops rally to boost morale before the march.

Myne : The end is upon us! This campaign shall scream Girahan's resolve throughout history! You all have brought this day upon us, and I thank you! Aseria, the country known for sorcery, will fall to Girahan, Slayer of Old Sorcery!

The troops cheer, and outside stands the opposition. A guard blows the war horn, as sphere crushes them. Another guard screams from the walls.

Guard : The man! Get the s-

A sphere crushes his body into a gory pulp.

Myne : The stone, have it ready! We end him today.

Allisia : Myne... I will handle this. You must rest yourself.

Myne : Be careful, Allisia. He's a murderer, cold, ruthless. He won't spare you, and you shouldn't do the same. If you can capture him do it, but if you life is put in danger, end him.

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