Chapter 10 - A New Dawn

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Werstin is in the forge, shaping the handle of Allisia's mace. She watches, thinking of every possible outcome and the weight it all holds. She taps Werstin's shoulder.

Allisia : Werstin... a dagger is fine. I wasn't thinking straight before.

Werstin : Alright, Allisia. Are you fine? You haven't been your usual self recently.

Allisia : Maybe I'm sick. Hey, you've been in a relationship before, right?

Werstin : Yeah, why?

Allisia : So if you liked someone, and they already met or had someone else, how do you get 9ver those feelings?

Werstin : Stuck in trying to get someone who's already in a relationship, Allisia? Hey, you know Aphelia frowns on that kind of behavior.

Allisia : No! I mean like... giving up.

Werstin : Ah, sorry. I'd say try to find another. You're a pretty woman, I'm sure there are plenty of men who would love to be with you.

Allisia : You know, I'm tired of that. It's always men that- WHAT THE HELL AM I SAYING?! WERSTIN DOESNT KNOW I'M LESBIAN! N-nevermind... forget what I said.

Werstin : Hmm... I won't judge you for liking girls you know. My granddaughter's a lesbian. Her parents don't like it, so she lives with me. Disowned by her parents at a young age is the worst. I keep telling my son to reconsider, but he listens to his wife like she's his brain. What I'm saying, Allisia, is I at least am fine with whatever you like.

Allisia : H-how did you know?

Werstin : Heh, you had the same dumb look my granddaughter had when I told her why she came to my house. Body language tells the truth, she'd always be nicer to girls, especially the one she'd like. You know she'd never give her caramels away, to anyone, not even her fat granddad, HA! So when I see her slip a few in her friends bag, offer her some every now and then, it speaks for itself. You always seemed to have a dreamy look when you see the Queen, so I'm assuming it's about her, isn't it?

Allisia : There isn't any reason to hide it, huh?

Werstin : Around me? Nope!

Allisia : I never meant to fall for Queen Myne... it's just spending so much time around her and how nice she is to me... it hurts, y'know?

Werstin : Yeah, I understand. Since your her advisor as well, I'm assuming that you had to go find her the person you wanted to be.

Allisia : Yeah... it isn't fair, Werstin. I thought I could live happily with her, but-

Werstin : Your happiness ain't tied to the Queen. Saying that is only going to make you think you need someone to be happy, and as long as you're single you'll mope about it. Ask the Queen for a break, find yourself, do something you want to do.  Not for the greater good of Girahan, do it for yourself. I always tell her, my granddaughter, sometimes being a little selfish now and then is good.

Allisia : It's probably had because it's been so recent. Ha... while I'm crying about it, Queen Myne is probably already pregnant.

Werstin : You see? Nothing is going to wait for you, so be selfish.

Allisia : Yeah. Is it fine if I wait for her with you here?

Werstin : Yeah, take all the time you need.

As Werstin cuts the handle to make a dagger, Allisia takes a nap in the forge's warmth. She wakes up to Werstin engraving the blade and infusing it with mana crystals. She yawns, and waves bye to Werstin. He nods and continues his work. Leaving the forge, she makes her way to the main part of the palace, and into the throne room. She sees Myne sitting, and Revane standing beside her.

Allisia : My lady, I have returned.

Myne : Oh, Allisia. It's good you're here, I need something from you. Send this letter to Reuthenthide, to the troops there. It's just to let them know a fresh shipment of armaments are going to be delivered.

Allisia : Of course, my lady. I have some news as well, perhaps bad news.

Myne : What is it?

Allisa : I would like some time off. I will return, of course, but I need some time for myself at the moment.

Myne : I suppose I can grant you a break. We aren't in a state of urgency given our situation with Aseria. Is there anything you will need?

Allisia : I plan on receiving higher education in Reuthenthide. At the college.

Myne : Oh? What do you plan on studying?

Allisia : Sorcery. I want to develop my own, as well. With the help of the professors, it should only take a month or two.

Myne : Allisia... you aren't planning on fighting?

Allisia : ...I was. May I be honest, my lady?

The servants peek at Allisia, interested.

Myne : I see why not. Go ahead.

Allisia : I am jealous of Revane, as I grew attached to you over the years, my lady. I am only using this break and education as an excuse to take out my frustration.

Myne : Allisia?

Allisia : Yes, my lady?

Myne : Revane has declined my offer, while we were in the bedhamber. Would you like to explain?

Revane : Yes, my lady. Allisia, while we were talking and heading back to the palace, I noticed you were uncomfortable. The way you were walking made me think it were your shoes, but after you said that you always had them led me to believe something else.

Myne : So I will propose this. Allisia, will you be at my side? While you go and study, Revane will take care of your duties. I will speak to the researchers and see if anything can be done.

Allisia : Y-yes, my lady! I will!

Myne : That is good. Go on to Reuthenthide, and enjoy yourself. Once you come back, we may find a way.

Allisia bows and walks out of the palace. She is ecstatic, riding out of the city while on her horse. The letter tucked into her inner jacket pocket, she makes her way to begin a new part of her life.

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