Karia Besera

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My full name is Karia Besera. I was born in Aseria, my mother being a Gahlnese immigrant, she faced many obstacles. She had faced her own share of trouble before meeting my father, who saved her. Things I resent Aseria for, but if I were in Gahlne, the feelings would be the same either way. Being half Aserian is something only the royal family in Gahlne is allowed to be, as they are the sign of peace between Aseria and Gahlne.

Those days have since eroded. I thought I would never see the day where Aserian racism would demean my mother to the point where she would attempt to take her own life. To her, foreigners, demeaning her worth, leaving her bedridden. As I left my cloak underneath that bed, the looks I've recieved for my skin tone, even if it is just slightly darker than everyone else. But I wear it with pride! I will bring glory to my mother! I will show Aseria that my Gahlnese heritage brings me strength! I fight in her name, and in remembrance of my younger brother! I will prove to Aseria that they underestimate me. As I enter the recruitment center, it begins.

Hell awaits me with opens arms, and I shall spit at its embrace.

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