Chapter 24 - Foreign Land

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Duiava wakes up, in the stone cradle, surrounded by boats. Soldiers trying to get to her.

Soldier : Take my hand! You'll be alright!

Duiava : Huh?

Soldier : Quickly!

Duiava jumps onto the soldier's boat, and they wrap her in cloth.

Soldier : You must have been scared up there. Did you go for a swim and the tide pushed you up?

Duiava : I... suppose.

Soldier : You're brave going swimming naked. A bit strange. You must be hungry, no?

Duiava : I could eat. My head hurts.

The soldier hands her some dried fish and bread. She takes bites out of it, and looks at the men standing around her.

Duiava : Where are we right now?

Soldier : The Arcenian Ocean. Just from the coast near Calabesa. Someone told us they saw you on the rocks when they were watching the waters.

Duiava : Oh. This is enemy territory from here on.

Soldier : As protocol states we can't just drop you off at Calabesa. We need to take you to Gahlne for an audience.

Duiava : Interrogation?

Soldier : ...One way you can put it. Just to know where you came from, you know?

Duiava : Okay. I'll go with you.

The soldiers on the boat row back to the shore. They get on their horses, and help Duiava onto the back of one in the middle. They escort her to Gahlne, and stop by a shop to get her proper clothes.

Soldier : ...About the same size as my daughter. Uhm... this one, and this dress please.

The tailor brings Duiava to the back so she can fit them to her body. She comes back out, in a black and white dress.

Duiava : Do clothes always bite into your skin?

Soldier : Well, we can't have you looking disheveled in front of Queen Myne. Sorry for the formal wear. Here you go.

The Soldier hands the tailor two ducats. They leave the store, and continue on their way. As they reach the palace, Duiava looks in pride.

Duiava : If this is his country, he must be proud.

Soldier : Just inside. Come.

They head inside, and they sit Duiava at the long table. She sits at the opposite end from where the throne sits. The fabric of her undergarments bite her skin, and she pulls at the wire in her bra. Queen Myne arrives, and sits at the opposite end of the table in the throne, and Allisia stands beside her.

Myne : You were rescued from the boulders in the ocean, yes?

Duiava : I wouldn't call it rescued. More like, escorted.

Myne : You weren't in any danger?

Duiava : No, but thank you anyways for helping me to get onto land.

Myne : What brings you to Girahan? Where do you hail from?

Duiava : ...I don't exactly have a home. I actually needed to speak with you.

Myne : Oh, is that so? What would you like to talk about?

Duiava : What is Girahan doing? I specifically mean your invasion of the other land.

Myne : ...The Westward War? That was because Aseria sent assassins rather than diplomats. We took their land and made it into Beseria.

Duiava : So it wasn't to swell your numbers?

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