Chapter 25 - Impale and Bleed

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Duiava enters the palace, and Myne is sitting at the throne. She approaches the throne, and looks her in the eyes.

Duiava : We will accept your offer.

Myne : That is good to hear.

Duiava : So... we just have to wait?

Myne : Yes, to see if Sakari will back down. I... don't have much faith in that regard. They are willing to fight to the last man... maybe even the last working arm.

Duiava : You've met them personally?

Myne : I helped them get Kyran off their island. It was a good situation for all of us, as we were able to unite Gahlne and Kyran. It's where we get Girahan.

Duiava : I see.

Vasa : Duiava? Something feels wrong...

Duiava : Vasa?

Vasa : I... can't fall asleep again! There's something coming, Duiava! I can feel... it...

Myne : Is something wrong?

Duiava : Nothing... just, hallucinations.

Myne : We have medicine to help you with that. Would you like some-

Duiava : No, I am fine. I am... fine. I've become different... human-like... I am a dragon... I AM A DRAGON! We should head southeast. We shouldn't wait.

Myne : I understand why you feel that way, but Allisia will return with news.

Duiava : I was once a beast. I sat on my mountain, watching from the shadows. Each one of the enemies sent onto others, I have felt the sensation before, time and time again. Death awaits ahead. This isn't just a bad feeling. It is a premonition.

Myne : I will wait for Allisia's report.

Duiava : I will do no such thing.

Myne : Do not engage with the Sakari! If they aren't fighting, then we shouldn't-

Duiava : There is no reason too... she is here, and the scent of blood is heavy.

The door slowly opens, and Allisia is standing in the view. She breaks the arrows sticking out of her, and pulls the ends out.

Allisia : Myne... they are... fighting. I am sorry...

Allisia collapses, and Duiava rushes to pick her up. Myne helps Duiava carry her to the infirmary, and the med-mages rush to heal her.

Myne : They will pay.

Duiava : No. Do not rush to your death.


Duiava : She is skilled, is she not?

Myne : ...Yes. I... will not lose her.

Duiava : So stay by her side. She will need you. I will fight in your stead.

Myne : What makes you believe you can handle them? My army hasn't made themselves known yet.

Duiava looks at Myne as she is through the door.

Duiava : I say it because she was the only one who returned. They clearly have something to counter your armaments and tactics. ...I do fear, there may be no world once I transform.

Duiava leaves, and unfurls her wings. She flies to the southeast, a burning diamond in the sky. As she approaches, she finds the scarred landscape. Clean troughs cut across. Anomalies, unnatural in war. She sees the Sakari, and they hold their fire. Duiava lands, and Ai Vetria approaches her.

Ai Vetria : We've made our first move on Girahan. Our first push on their empire!

Duiava : You killed these men? How?

Ai Vetria : My father bestowed a gift onto me. I can nullify sorcerers. They become defenseless in my presence.

Duiava : I see... I am... truly sorry.

Duiava's core becomes white hot, and she transforms into her adult form. Two sets of arms erupt from her back, and two set of wings unravel. She stands on her hind legs, and her white scales become silver from the heat. Ai Vetria dies on the spot from the heat, and his body vaporizes. She roars, and it disorients all the troops. The closest to her without immediately dying from the heat are left deaf and bleeding from the ears. Her eyes glaze over, and a bright flame erupts from her maw. As it engulfs the field, all the men are burnt alive. She looks around, and an arrow flies toward her eye. The steel tip melts, and the wooden shaft is burnt to ash. She crushes the soldier under her lower left hand, leaving a burnt handprint onto the land. In that moment, she could feel a slight tremor. Her instincts scream at her. Run. She looks to the north, and in that moment a creature encased in thick transparent scales lunges at her. It scratches at her chest, peeling scales off her skin. She bites it by the throat, but there is no grip. Her maw slides right off, and it tries to dig it's claw through into her heart. She grabs it by the throat and slams it into the ground. As she gets up, it bites a chunk of flesh clean off her forearm. Blood. Her core begins to burn blue, and seethe into purple. The flame escapes her mouth, and it shoots out like a beam of light. The purple flames melt straight through the monster, and cauterizes a hole straight through its flesh. It is ceaseless. Even with a hole through its body, and vital organs, it rushes to kill her. She loosens the pressure on the flame, and engulfs the beast in violet heat. It releases a vile howl, like a rabid wolf. The scales on it begin to burn away, and she sends her claws deep into its flesh. It whimpers, and Duiava tears open its abdomen. Resistance, and a snap as she spreads open its rib cage. Her claws grip the still beating heart, and they sink into the pulsing flesh. It thrashes, and in the process, scratches Duiava in the thigh. She pries her claws under its scales, peeling it's hide clean off. She aims for the neck, and gouges flesh from the crevice she made. Each scoop causing the body to flinch, and eventually it dies. It's blood stinks like rotting flesh. It's meat tastes like rusted metal. She looks to her wounds, and her head feels light. She reverts, and the blood loss ceases as the wounded arm dissipates. Her chest is covered in scratches, each in varying depth, none too deep.

Duiava : I'm sorry... this was my chance to die, was it not? I've went back on my side of the bargain... to think a Behemoth would come so soon.

She collapses into the dried and singed grass.

Duiava : I have other promises to hold. My life shouldn't end here...

Vasa : It doesn't need to.

Duiava : Vasa?

Vasa : Lend me your strength, and I will take over. You deserve rest.

Duiava : I deserve... ha... go ahead. I've lived too many lives.

Duiava enters a deep sleep. He lays curled up, morphing and slipping to the back of their mind.

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