Chapter 19 - Anointing

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Berveda : VASA! Where is the dagger your father gave you?! You keep it with you at all times.

Vasa : It's in my room-

Berveda : Go get it! Don't you dare leave it behind!

Vasa enters his room, and grabs the dagger. No matter what, it always feels warm. He leaves his room and sits back at the table.

Vasa : I got it, mom.

Berveda : Do you understand?

Vasa : Mom, it's just a dagger!

Berveda : Your father slayed that dragon with his bare hands. It isnt JUST a dagger. It is his dedication for you. Everyone must prove themselves with their father's work before they can be anointed. You understand that your father was anointed, right? His father slayed wolves, and his father slayed a sea drake. You won't ever leave this village with that attitude, Vasa.

Vasa : How did he even kill a dragon? This thing can't even be real.

Berveda : It is real. He fed you its meat when you were a baby. The anointing is a sacred ritual for young men. You embody the beast your father felled to fell another beast for your son and so on. The hunt is something to take pride in, and the anointing is something you should be looking forward to. It makes you into our warrior, a beast's soul in a man's body. You clearly still don't understand.

Vasa : Then what do girls get?

Berveda : Upon the first menstruation, we unlock our soul. We don't need to spill blood.

Vasa : Is the food done yet, mom?

Berveda : A couple more minutes. Go ahead and play with the other kids outside, I'll call you when it's ready.

Vasa : Okay.

Vasa walks out the door, the dagger on his hip like an oversized sword compared to the kid. He looks at it, and to his father's grave beside the house.

Vasa : Sorry for leaving the dagger behind, dad. I promise not to give mom a hard time anymore.

Vasa plays in the snow by himself, and occasionally watches the other kids with their father's playing.

Vasa : Why?... Why did you leave us? J-ust because you were sick?

Hierva : Hey, dumbass! What are you crying for?

Vasa : It's none of your business.

Hierva : Look at that ugly knife you have! Who made that?

Vasa : My dad. It's not ugly.

Hierva : I'll kick your ass in the anointing. If only your dad could come out the grave to make you a better looking one!

Vasa : Shut the hell up.

Hierva : What was that, ladyboy? You're gonna do something? I bet you can't even use that thing! It probably doesn't even cut!

Vasa kicks Hierva in the testicles, and takes out his dagger while he reels on the floor.

Vasa : It cuts, very cleanly.

Hierva : Ah, you bitch... wha- AAAAAAA!

Vasa grabs Hierva by his left ear and holds his dagger up to it. Berveda sees this from the window and bursts out of house.

Berveda : VASA, LET HIM GO! NOW!

She pulls Vasa away by his shirt, and throws him inside the house. She sits him down and as Vasa looks at his mom, he sees she has tears running down her face.

Vasa : Mom?

Berveda : He was harassing you about your father, wasn't he? Leave that bully alone, let them rot in their thoughts. You never stoop down to their level, you hear?

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