Chapter 23 - To Bring Peace

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Duiava lands in the village and heads to Ygevara.

Ygevara : The survivors told me everything. Why did you fight?

Duiava : To protect the rest, and self defense.

Ygevara : You are a woman! Soiling this tradition and everything our ancestors have built! Know your place!

As Ygevara is about to slap Duiava she grabs hold of his arm.

Duiava : Is this what you really care about right now? Not that a score of our kin lay dead in the snow? How much more selfish can you be? How much more self rightous? Look around you. You have orphaned children, wounded parents, and babies who don't even know their parents have been slaughtered in their own homes! Where are the others? What will you tell them that their cousins were killed because you refused to act?

Berveda : Duiava! That's enough!

Ygevara : You should listen to your mother.

He swipes his hand away from Duiava, and is about to walk away.

Duiava : Walking from this spot means you're going to give up on our people. I am just a mere woman, and a beast. Yet you're a man, in your entirety and you are too afraid to stand your ground. They wish to speak, to clear up any miscommunication and take the punishment for invading. If you can't represent this village, then I will.

Ygevara : Go ahead, it is obviously a trap. You plan to have me and the other elders killed.

Duiava : Suit yourself. Survival is key in this moment, and standing by your side will only kill us.

Duiava flies up into the air, and away to the other two villages. She collects the other elders, and flies them to the destroyed village. There, Ai Vetria and his troops are kneeling in the snow, their helmets off. Duiava slowly puts the two elders down carefully and lands.

Duiava : I have returned. I represent the northwest, Guillardan represents the northeast, and Fyrla represents the north.

Fyrla : What about Ygevara? Shouldn't he be here?

Duiava : He is a coward.

Duiava brings two chairs from the ruins of one of the houses, and gives it to the elders to sit. She kneels in front of Ai Vetria.

Duiava : You wanted an alliance, yet brought war. Despite your crimes, we are still considering your offer.

Guillardan : For the destruction and murder of this village and its residents, you must provide us the resources to arm and feed its survivors. We will also set the terms for this alliance.

Duiava : What is the purpose of this alliance?

Ai Vetria : We wish to fight against the powers of the world. Girahan. They grow more powerful by the day, and what stops them from consuming the entire world?

Duiava : Girahan... Is this on the continent south of us?

Ai Vetria : Indeed. They have consumed Aseria to their west, and I fear they will only keep taking all who even look their way. We do not wish to be part of the amalgam.

Duiava : So that is the kingdom he made... all right. What is this... elemental manipulation you have?

Ai Vetria : Sorcery. Fueled by mana.

Duiava : Then your people will handle that.

Fyrla : We will keep to out steel and warriors. What do you plan?

Ai Vetria : A full out assault on Girahan is a death sentence. Their queen, although she is aged now, can still use her sorcery to its fullest extent. Her spouse is said to harbor sorcery only the devil should wield. Like an eraser, cutting though everything in its path. I suggest we take them on from the inside.

Duiava : Espionage. Do you believe it will work?

Ai Vetria : It will grant us information, something very valuable when it comes to a long term fight.

Guillardan : We aren't going to spend years fighting from the shadows. This is not how we fight. Even if it is suicidal, we fight our enemy face on. Honor bound, to grant quick death or recieve it.

Duiava : My true form can also throw them off. They certainly haven't encountered a dragon before.

Ai Vetria : We will leave the frontline fighting to your people then. When it comes to sorcery and equipment, we are behind the rest of the world.

Duiava : Any other concerns?

The other elders nods their head.

Ai Vetria : Believe me when I say Girahan is a threat. Only concerned with themselves, and forcing others under their heel. They destroy cultures and civilizations.

They all stand, and Duiava watches Ai Vetria's troops leave to their encampment. They seemingly to pack their things and board their ships, heading back to wherever they come from. Duiava faces the Elders.

Duiava : I can handle the fighting. We've lost too many people here.

Guillardan : Ygevara gave you permission to fight?

Duiava : No. I doubt he ever will.

Guillardan : While you may be female, your strength surpasses a vast majority of us. Are you certain you can fight alone?

Duiava : I am certain. If it comes to it, I would be the only one that will die.

Fyrla : It doesn't scare you? You'll be alone, in foreign land.

Duiava : I've lived for too long, and traveled the entire world. Vasa is just a reluctant passenger in my journey.

Fyrla : I see. Go on then. For our glory.

Duiava : For our glory.

Duiava's wings unfurl, and she rises into the air. She flies towards the south, and feels a tinge inside of her. She blacks out, and dives into the water unconscious.

Vasa : Duiava? What happened?

Duiava : Vasa? You were made the soul that got absorbed. I was granted control in your stead.

Vasa : I... see...

Duiava : Vasa? Wake up, don't fall asleep!

Vasa's eyes are shut closed, and Duiava's eyes open wide. She bursts out of the ocean, and continues flying south. As she begins to see Girahan, she feels uneasy. Her head is fuzzy, and her flight is shaky. Before she crashes again she sets herself onto a small cluster of rocks pointing out of the ocean. It resembles a stone cradle, and she sleeps inside of it.

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