Chapter 7 - The Golden Revolution

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Myne and Myran had back to Gahlne, leaving their army to keep the civilians and the new Queen safe. They were ordered to hand our rations and supplies to the families and protect the new Queen while she delivers the news to her citizens. As they ride through Gahlne, the streets lay empty. Storefronts and houses are boarded up, silence plagues the city.

Myne : Has it been like this for long?

Myran : A while after you left, especially after news of mother's assassination reached father.

Myne : She wasn't in the palace?

Myran : Amene went out to reassure the public you'd return. That's when someone killed her. Panic and hell broke loose afterwards, and father hasn't been the same since. Thinking real hard about it... not since those "diplomats" from Aseria came.

Myne : If they are invading, this is clearly their move. That man in Kyran. Why would he be here?

Myran : That's what I feel as well.

They leave the horses at the palace stable, and enter the palace.

Myne : Where is everyone?

Myran : I hate acknowledging it... it is only me and father.

Myne : Rosan? The girls? They all left?

Myran : Yes, and I have no idea to where. Further north is a frozen hellscape, and south is the ocean. Unless they abandoned us to take refuge with Aseria?

Myne : This is going to be hard... where is father?

Myne : His solar. He drinks, until he can't fit anymore in his stomach or passes out.

They take the stairs up to their father's solar. Myne opens the door, and pulls the drapes away from the window, filling the room with light. Their father sits in his chair, with goblet in hand and empty wine bottles scattered around him.

Myne : Get up.

Myros : Myne?

Myne : Get up! Is this a lowly drunk sitting before me or the King of Gahlne?

Myros : You... dare address me in that... tone?

Myne : I said to get up. Stand. Can you even muster that in your state?

Myros : Your mother... would have skinned your ass for that... tone. She would have-

Myne : She is dead. Amene as well.

Myran : Myne!

Myros : Don't dare say her name! You... abandoned us...

Myne : I may have, but is that any excuse to let Gahlne die? Where are you other children, hm? I only see myself and Myran before you. Rosan, the girls, where may they be? The palace servants? The caretakers? The stable workers? You fellow man, all gone. For what? Because you cannot fathom a single thought on how to rule without your wife by your side?

Myros : And what of you, hm? You left your calling to be Queen. Gahlne wouldn't be in this state, had you stayed.

Myne : That may be true, but I wouldn't not be able to fight. Something I promised I will return with, and I come back to a fallen kingdom to take rule over. I upheld my part of the bargain, Myros!

Myros' eyes widen. He tosses his goblet aside, and looks at Myne.

Myros : If you can fight, show me. Cut me down, and you can be the next ruler of this kingdom.

Myne : Father, I will not kill you.

Myros : My blood runs through your hands, so use it.

Myne : Your blood will not stain my hands, father.

Myros : So you are still weak.

Myne : You are suicidal.

Myran : Father, Myne has cut down many soldiers to accomplish her goals. A whole army is stained on her hands. She has flayed Kyran, and made them submit.

Myros : Yes, that may be true... ah, but our Queen shall not run around dressed like that.

Myne : It is a ceremonial garb from the people of Sakari. I am their Warlord for the time being.

Myros : Warlord?

Myne : During war, it is their highest position. A king or queen.

Myros : You've already had a taste for ruling over others then... and her feats, you are sure of this Myran?

Myran : With certainty, father.

Myros : Come, help me stand. We will crown your sister in front of Gahlne as tradition holds. We will see if the people accept.

Myran and Myne help Myros stand and head towards the announcement platform. They stand on top of it, and Myran helps Myros balance himself. He takes off his crown, and begins.

Myros : I am King Myros, descendant of King Merdas and Queen Myelia. I stand here with my heir, Queen Myne. I trust Gahlne in her hands, may she bring us out of these dark ages.

The boarded up windows creak and pry open, peering towards the platform. As the crown is placed upon Myne's head. Children begin to celebrate in their homes. The adults, reluctant, look at Myne.

Myne : This is not the Gahlne I remember being born in. We are resilient! Strong willed! Capable! We will rebuild our city! I, Queen Myne, have delivered peace upon Girah! I have made Kyran submit, and kneel, as once great Gahlnese rulers once did in ages past! I deliver to my fellow man, true peace! Aid me in these times to restore prosperity among these ruins! We name this united country Girahan! We are the sole rulers upon this land! United, Gahlne and Kyran, we prosper!

The sound of cheering and crying comes muffled within the houses of Gahlne.

Myne : I will need those of able body to work in order to bring this prosperity. Roads and expansions to offer more of the land to our people! I will need those of great minds to help me create these plans! To create the great scaffold that will bring us out of these dark ages!

The cheering heightens, and Myne helps her brother take their father back inside.

Myne : Myran, I need you to go to Kyran. I permit you to be the ruler beside Ensilia. Having both sides under control is what is needed right now. Send some of your army to come back to Gahlne, and tell Ai Vetria that he is under your orders until you no longer need their assistance. They need to return to their continent soon.

Myran : Understood. Take care of father!

Myne : I will.

As Myran leaves, Myros holds Myne's hand.

Myros : You remind me of your birth mother... you hold her confidence. Something I lack dearly, and I believe Aseria has taken advantage of it.

Myne : The diplomats?

Myros : The true villains. They think that we are weak. Go, attend to your country. The Vermilion Hand hasn't left my side since. I will be fine.

Myne heads to the streets, and calls out to the workers. Lines of people eager to rebuild and earn money lost from Myros' abandonment come forth. She builds a team of advisors, overseeing construction, planning, and gathering while also making a system that rewards hard working people once funds start to generate. Every five hours spent working rewards an additional hundred silver to the sixty silver rate. People in Gahlne were rarely paid that much for their work, the highest a commoner could earn being thirty to forty silvers an hour. Myne and Myran's work will span four years in total. Three new cities mark the path between Gahlne and Kyran in Girahan, those being Reuthenthide, Calabesa, and Ashenforte. Small villages dot the landscape, and production of food is increased with more farmland. Girahan celebrates during the 3rd year of its revival when Myran and Ensilia have their first child, Myselia. Ai Vetria and his people say their farewells to Myne in Gahlne during the 4th year. Steel is mass produced, bringing a new age to metalworking in Girahan. Towards the end, Myne sets up colleges in each of the major cities to encourage learning, but they also serve as places to teach sorcery to qualified students. The Ember Plague is almost non-existent due to the discovery of better treatments and education. Those once afflicted only are inflicted with short periods of intense pain, and afterwards they are fine. Research is still ongoing to treat these bursts of pain. To the end of the 4th year, Girahan enters it's Golden Revolution.

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