Chapter 13 - The Scholar District

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Karia rides her horse to the Scholar District. An area dedicated to researchers and pioneers in sorcery. She has her leads, and over time, tracks them down. Another man, with another family and children. She clenches her teeth and fist. It's night time, and they are in the middle of dinner. Karia stands outside in front of their door, wondering. She knocks, and his wife gets up to answer. Karia forces herself inside, and his wife runs behind him.

Karus : W-who are you?!

Karia pulls down her hood, and looks him dead in the eyes.

Karia : Why? You left me, Karst, and mom behind.

Karus : Karia?...

Sybella : Karus, who is she?!

Karus : My... daughter. W-where is Karst? How did you find us? Come, sit down.

Karia sits at the table. Her father sits closer to her, and the rest of his family is further away.

Karia : Mom and Karst are dead. I tracked you down myself.

Karus : Karst? He's only eight, how?!

Karia : Murdered, a pedophile took him from me. If you're going to ask about the whereabouts of the pedophile, I already killed him.

Karus : W-what? Karia, when?

Karia : Less than a couple days ago. Before I arrived in the Scholar District, actually.

Karus : I... don't blame you.

There is a long silence.

Karia : Dad... I want answers. Why did you leave, honestly?

Karus : I became selfish. I knew our situation wasn't going to get any better, so I ran away from it.

Karia : You're right... it didn't get better. I... honestly don't hate you for it. Is this your new family, kids and all?

Karus : Yes. Your half-brother and sister. Your stepmother, if you want to stay with us that is. I know I wasn't reliable as a father then, but I am now. I can provide for all of us.

Karia : ...Mom and Karst. They would want me to move on and live for them.

She removes they cloak, revealing her silky black hair, bound so it doesn't obscure her view while she wears the hood.

Karus : Where were you living before?

Karia : The Erradian District. It's where I got my sword.

Karus : That is good, at least you weren't hurt. Sybella, could you get another plate for Karia?

Karia : You... want me to eat with you?

Karus : You're family. Of course.

Karia : ...It feels weird. After mom died, I ate with Karst at this small table in our house. After the incident, it felt horrible to eat at all for a while. His seat felt like a void, and I couldn't do anything to help him.

Karia sits with her new family, as they warm up to her while she retells her happier stories and exploits. Her mind temporarily putting aside all the hardship she went through to reach this point. She helps Sybella clean up, and is shown to her room by her father. She sits on the bed, thinking to herself.

Karia : It is what they wanted... but not what I want. I can't hold these feelings of anger suppressed, not while I'm sitting in the same house as him. They don't know about my bounties, and my image is tied to my masked hood. ...If I want to join the Aserian army, I need to throw my past aside... and that includes them... and Karst. I hate it! Even after killing him, it still feels hollow. What did it even accomplish?! It wasn't to save other kids from him, only to avenge Karst! Yet... it still feels hollow. This damned void sitting in my heart...

She looks at her sword, beside her. Vilora. The moonlight kisses the brass inlay on the scabbard, and Karia's eyes sharpen. She picks up her sword, and pulls off her cloak. She stares at herself in the mirror across from her. Ever since she was little, finding a piece of broken mirror on the streets, she noticed a beauty mark on her right eyelid. A small black spot. There is no meaning behind her discovery as she looks at it in the mirror once again. Insignificant on its own, but it is a part of her entirely. She folds up her cloak, and tucks it under the bed inside a locked box. She gathers the rest of her things, and leaves the house.

Karia : I'm sorry, but my resentment would only get the better of me. I'll be back later, dad.

She closes the door, and hops onto her horse. She rides to the Magipex District, the military capital of Aseria.

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