Chapter 2: Chat Blanc and Volpina are back

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Lila POV

After hours of sitting in the helicopter, we arrived at a volcano. The piolet lowered the helicopter into the volcano's entrance. As it turns out, the volcano was nothing more than just a fake. Inside the volcano was tons of equipment and henchmen creating weapons.

"Welcome back, Boss." A man in his 30s said as Gordon exited the helicopter.

"Thank you, Samson. Are they ready?" Gordon asked.

"We still need to test them before we could use them." Samson replied. 

"Are what ready?" Adrien asked.

"Our anti miracle gems. Much like the miraculous but they use negative energy. Not only that, they can use the powers of the akumas your father have been using to defeat your former friends. However, these are much more powerful." Gordon explained as he showed me a brooch resembling an owl.

I gasped.

It was the same one that Isaac broke during his fight against Shadow Owl. But the gems in its eyes are red instead of purple. A henchman gave me a fox necklace. The chain was a beautiful shade of gold and the fox tail had a orange gem on the tip.

As I put it on, I smirked.       

I pushed the gem and found myself wearing my Volpina suit. I pulled out my staff and saw a dark green gem on it.

"The gem amplifies you illusions. They can't be hurt by physical attacks but the same couldn't be said for the attacker." Samson said.

"Oh, I am going to enjoy this." I gushed.

"As am I, my vixen." Adrien said. 

He was dressed in his Chat Blanc attire. His ring has a red gem on the base.

"Well then, time for a test drive." Gordon said with a smirk. 

Miraculous Ladybug: The Rise of Chat Blanc Part 1Where stories live. Discover now