Chapter 19: Heroes vs Talon's army

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Nobody's POV

Luka dodge and deflected a few bullets fired at me by the gunmen before summoning a cat paw made out of chi and knocking them into a building. Another gunman was about to attack him from behind, but he managed to dodge and use his staff to knock him out. 

Marinette used her yoyo staff to block an attack from a gunman before unleashing a flurry of staff strikes onto him and finishing him with a flash kick. 

Isaac kneed a gunman in the jaw before firing his web at his gun and wacked him in the face with it. Another gunman tried to sneak attack Isaac but he dodged the blow before breaking the rife onto his head, knocking him out.

Cassie and Alya were making quick work with the soldiers. Cassie summoned a scorpion made out of chi, picked them and threw them onto the ground knocking them out. Alya used her staff to knock out more of the soldiers.

Nino threw his shield at the foot soldiers before swapping to his tonfas and knocking the rest out. A gunman tried to stab him with his knife but was knocked unconscious by Malik via his staff to the back of his head.

"They just keep coming!" Chloe gasped as she pulled one of the gunmen with her spinning top and kicked him aside.

"Keep at it!" Zoe replied as she snapped a kick at one of the gunmen and threw her boomerang at another, knocking him out.

The heroes fought their way through the gunmen before coming face to face with Talon's best henchmen. They smirked as a girl in an armoured hornet jumpsuit stepped in front of them. 

"Wait, is that-?" Zoe gasped.

"Sabrina!? What are you doing here!?" Chloe gasped.

"Getting rid of you and your pathetic friends." Sabrina replied and pulled out her hornet throwing darts.

"Not if I have something to say about that. You guys handle them. I got this." Chloe said.

The others nodded and went to fight the Silver armoured warlords.

"Take care." Marinette said and followed them.

"Good luck, Babe." Malik said and left.

Chloe twirled her spinning top before darting towards her former friend. She ducked under the hornet darts before throwing her spinning top at Sabrina. She smirked and caught the spinning top. With a quick tug, she pulled Chloe towards her and kicked her in the stomach. Chloe coughed up some blood before crashing into a car. She stood up and dodge a kick aimed at her head before 

"You've always been a pain in my neck from the moment we became "friends". You treated me as a slave." Sabrina said as the two girls fought each others.

"I know. And I'm sorry. Truly, I am. I was taking you for granted. I was ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous." Chloe said as she blocked a punch from Sabrina.

"Too late for apologies, Chloe. You're done!" Sabrina shouted and kicked her in the rib cage. As Chloe doubled over, Sabrina snapped another kick to her jaw, knocking her to the ground.

Chloe panted for breath as she tried to get up, but was pinned down by Sabrina. She raised her dart and aimed it at her neck. Just before Sabrina brought the dart down to her neck, Chloe pulled out make up powder from her pocket and threw it in her face, blinding Sabrina. Chloe rolled Sabrina onto her back and removed the hornet brooch from her collar, reverting Sabrina to her civilian form.

Before Sabrina could recover, Chloe knocked her out with a quick chop to her nape.

"Sorry, Bestie. But you brought it on yourself." Chloe murmured and went to join the fight.

Marinette POV

I ducked under Mercury's chain sickle and struck my staff onto her chest, knocking her to the ground. Isaac used Giza to dodge Rhino's punch before knocking him out with a brutal elbow slash to the head. Cassie snapped her whip around Blitz's neck and pulled her towards Alya, who dropkicked her in the torso.

"I think that's all of them." Luka said, clutching his wounded arm.

"Hold still." Isaac said and muttered a few words before pressing his chi fuelled hands onto Luka's wound, healing him. Luka nodded with gratitude.

The Silver Warlords and their gunmen were unconscious and tied up. Chloe stopped in front of us.

"Babe, you ok?" Malik asked.

"I'd be lying if I said no." Chloe sniffed, wiping away a few tears from her eyes and pointing to the unconscious Sabrina. I rested my hand on her shoulder.

"You did what you could." I said with comfort.

"Yeah. I guess so. I just wish I was a better friend to her." Chloe replied.

"A shame Sabrina lost. She always was useless." A voice called out from above. 

We looked and saw Adrien and Lila perched on the roof. Next to her were unconscious bodies.

"Maman, Papa!" I cried.

"Jackie!" Isaac called.

"Andy!" Cassie exclaimed.

"Let them go!" Nino shouted, brandishing his tonfas.

"Come and get them then. If you can!" Lila chuckled.

"You lay a hand on them, I'll make you regret the day you were born, you son of a bitch." Isaac growled, his eyes burned red.

Adrien laughed coldly.

"You are in no position to make threats, Spider boy! Men, squash this bug!"

A large amount of gunmen marched towards us, aiming their guns at us. Just when they were about to strike, a large beast knocked them aside. 

"What the-?" Adrien gasped.

Master Fu landed in front of us, wearing the peacock miraculous attire, similar to Mayura's but he wore a dark blue and purple kimono with a black jumpsuit and sandals.

"Master Fu?" I gasped.

"Old man?" Malik gasped.

"You!?" Adrien growled.

"Adrien Agreste, I am disappointed in you. You misuse the black cat miraculous and now, you follow your father's path. For that, I will stop you." Master Fu said, pointing at Adrien.

"You will do nothing, old man. Nathalie, he's all yours." Adrien called. Nathalie jumped off the roof and landed in front of us. She wore the same outfit as Mayura except her outfit was silver. Adrien and Lila teleported back to the airship along with the hostages. 

"We'll stay behind and help. You guys go after them." Chloe said as she twirled her spinning top.

"But-."I began.

"We'll be fine, Melody. Go and save your parents. The same for you two." Luka smiled at us.

I pulled Luka into a kiss and launched my yo-yo at the airship. Isaac and Cassie followed us.

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