Chapter 18: The end of training and preparing for the fight.

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Cassie POV

Our month of training has finally ended. We unlocked our superpowers and improved on our fighting skills due to our sparing sessions. Mayor Andre still had his doubts about us. Even after everything Ladybug and the squad did. Andrew, Jackie and a few others still supported us and even wished us luck after they helped guide the civilians to a safer area along with Victor and The Dropouts.

I perched on the roof of Le Grande de Paris hotel and sighed as I watched the night sky. The wind gently brushed against my hair.

"Hey, Cas." A voice said behind me. I looked back and saw Isaac. He took of his mask and revealed his face. 

"Ike." I replied. He sat next to me and sighed.

"I like high places. Make me feel calm." 

"Same here. I just hope this isn't our last view." I said.

"What makes you say that?" Isaac asked.

I leaned my head on his shoulder, brushing my hair against his cheek.

"I don't know. We say how powerful Chat Blanc is. And that Silver Talon guy is no pushover. We could've died there and then. He just spared us just to insult us. And now, he's come back to finish the job." I replied.

Isaac brushed his fingertips against my neck, sending pleasant chills down my back.

"True, but I think we got this in the bag." He said.

"You think so?" I murmured.

"Yeah." Isaac said and pecked my forehead. I smiled as I felt the warmth of his lips and sat up.

"After this, I owe you hot coco and a warm bed." I said with a cheeky smile and lean forward to whisper in his ear.

"And other things you probably know about."

Isaac blushed and tugged the collar of his jumpsuit.

"I- well- umm." He stammered.

I chuckled and kissed his cheek.

"Hey lovebirds! We got company!" Nino called from the opposite building and pointed at the sky. We looked up and gasped at what we saw. 

A giant airship floated above us bearing a black flag with a silver owl skull on it. Armoured Gunmen fired ziplines onto the ground and descended to street level. 

"Let's do this." Isaac said and pulled on his mask and hood . He gave me a quick thumbs up and dived off the building he was standing on.

After taking a quick breath, I followed him.  

Miraculous Ladybug: The Rise of Chat Blanc Part 1Where stories live. Discover now