Chapter 12: A crushing defeat

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Isaac POV

I darted forward and snapped a kick at Silver Talon. He ducked under and swiped his sword at my torso. I quickly side stepped out of the way and fired a dozen web strings at him. He chuckled and cut them to ribbons with his sword before darting forward and jabbing the hilt of his sword into my stomach. I coughed and stumbled backwards.

"You're off your game, Crimson Web. What happened? You beat me last time. Now I'm winning." Silver Talon taunted as he slashed his sword at me. I dodged the blade but it knocked my hood off, revealing my scarlet hair.

I exhaled and threw a few quick punches at Silver Talon, who dodged them and snapped a kick at my stomach. As I doubled over, he grabbed me by the hood and brutally kneed me in the stomach.

"Isaac, duck!" A voice called as I saw a green shield sailed over my head and bounced off Talon's sword. Nino darted forward and caught his shield before he swung it down at him. Talon easily blocked it with his sword before he tossed him aside. I tried to flip kicked him in the jaw but he stepped back and kicked me into a car. I groaned in pain as I tried to get up. Suddenly, I heard a painful grunt as I noticed Kagami crashing into the lamppost and a horrific sound of broken ribs.

"Kagami." I gasped and went to help her. Kagami's face was covered in pain as she felt her broken ribs. I noticed that Alya, Chloe and Cassie were unconscious. Marinette was held by the throat by Chat Blanc, Luka was unconscious and Juleka was attempting to help him. I even saw Malik fighting off the woman with the chain sickle whilst defending a wounded Zoe.

"Is this the defenders of Paris? How pathetic? I wonder how Hawkmoth managed to lose to them." Talon laughed as he kicked Cassie.

"Don't you touch her!" Andrew shouted as he pointed his taser at him. His cheek had a bloody gash and his uniform was tattered.

I got up and darted towards him. Talon raced forward and was about to impale him with his sword until I fired a web at his blade and tried to pull the blade away. Talon chuckled and yanked the web line, pulling me towards him. As I got close to him, he kicked my back. I screamed in pain and collapsed onto the ground. Andrew tried to fire his taser at Talon, who dodged and kicked him in the back. He rolled across the ground and lay next to his sister.

"C-Cassie." He croaked before he passed out.

"People of Paris! Your heroes have failed you. You have a month to make your peace before we take over your city and then the world!" Talon shouted before he teleported away. Chat Blanc, Volpina and the rest followed.

I felt someone picking me up and carrying me to a stretcher before I eventually blacked out.

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