Chapter 11: Patrol in the cold and a shocking reunion.

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Cassie POV

I perched on the roof, ignoring the cold and watching the city. Since my brother is doing a night patrol, I decided to do a patrol to kill some time. Marinette and the others said they'll catch up with me.

"So cold. Wish I had a warmer outfit instead of this tight skinned jumpsuit and mask." I muttered as I raced along the rooftops.

Along the way, I ran into Isaac. 

"Hey, what's up?" I asked.

"Nothing, just bearing the cold." He said, rubbing his arms.

I smiled and snuggled into his arms. Isaac responded by returning the hug. I rested my chin on the crook of his neck.

"Feeling warmer?" I asked, smirking at the blush on his cheeks.

"A little." He murmured.

"Hey, after this, let's go to my house and relax. I'll make us some hot coco." I said.

"Sounds good."  Isaac replied with a smile.

Our communicators started beeping. We pulled away and answered.

"What is it, LB?" Isaac asked.

"It's Chat Blanc and his gang. They're back!" Marinette said as we heard a few shouts in the background.

"Hang tight! We're on our way!" I answered.

"Please hurry, dudes!" Nino shouted as I heard a piece of metal deflect of his shield.

"We'd better hurry." I said.

Isaac nodded and swung from web line to web line to catch up with me while I used my whip to swing across the street.

After a while, we arrived at the scene. Alya, Chloe, Juleka and Nino were fighting Volpina and the man in the rhino suit while Marinette, Kagami and Luka were fighting Chat Blanc. Zoe was fighting a woman in a black armoured jumpsuit and a chain sickle. Isaac leaped off the roof and landed on a gunman, knocking him off his feet. Another gunman tried to strike him with the hilt of his gun, but Isaac dodged it and threw him over his shoulder with no effort. I landed on the ground and helped Isaac fight off the gunmen.

"They don't know when to quit." I gasped as I knocked a gunman's rifle out off his hands and kicked him in the cheek.

"Neither do we!" Isaac replied and fired two webs at a large man with a minigun, pulled it towards him and kicked the minigun in his face, knocking him out.

We heard a painful grunt from Nino as he crashed into a car and blacked out. 

"Well well. Look who decided to show up." Lila chuckled as her clones held down Alya.

"Come back for vengeance? Or do you want a taste off my knuckles?" Isaac asked smugly  as he cracked his knuckles.

Lila laughed.

"Oh, Isaac. You think you're cute. With your acrobatics, your fighting skills and your snarky retorts. But behind that mask is a scared little boy, crying for his mummy and daddy. Where are they I wonder? Oh wait, they're dead." 

Isaac clenched his fists.

"Keep my parents out of this." He growled.

"At least his relationship with his parents are a lot better than yours!" I retorted.

Lila shrugged and pointed her staff at us. 

"Leave him to me, Volpina." A voice called from the roof. A man leaped down in front of us, wearing a black and silver owl armour and a black cape. His sword glistened in the moonlight. 

Isaac stiffened as he saw the figure.

"No way. They said you died in prison. How are you alive?" He gasped.

 "Oh, Isaac. You should know better that you shouldn't believe what you see on the news." The man said, twirling his sword.

"Isaac is that-?" I asked.

"Yeah. It's him. Shadow Wing." He said with a bitter tone.

"Actually, I go by Silver Talon now." The man said smugly.

"Not that it matters. I'll beat you and send you packing!" Isaac growled, entering his stance.

"Try me." Silver Talon chuckled.

"Cas, go and help Chloe and Alya! I'll take care of him." Isaac said.

I nodded and went to go and fight Volpina.

Miraculous Ladybug: The Rise of Chat Blanc Part 1Where stories live. Discover now