Chapter 22: Ladybug and Scorpio vs Chat Blanc and Volpina

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Marinette POV

We finally arrived at the roof of the airship and saw Chat Blanc and Volpina. They smirked at us.

"Fancy seeing you." He said.

"Let them go, Adrien. They have nothing to do with this." I said.

"Oh, you are wrong, Milady. They have everything to do with this. I know that you can't stand when someone hurts your loved ones." Adrien taunted.

"Bastard! You went too far. All because we stopped you from bringing back your family!" Cassie shouted.

"You have no idea how much my father sacrificed to bring back my mother!" Adrien shouted.

"Are the lives of the innocent really worth sacrificing!?" I shouted.

"Anything to bring back my family!"  He shouted back and pointed his staff at my parents, Jackie and Andrew. 

"A shame you are too weak minded to understand." 

"Put them down and fight us, you cowardly alley cat!" I shouted, gripping onto my yo-yo staff.

"As you wish." Lila said and cut the rope holding them.

"NO!" Cassie shouted and ran towards the edge. I followed and saw a large web holding them. 

"What the-!?" Adrien gasped, only to get a brutal kick to his chin by Isaac. 

"Talon failed!?" Lila gasped.

"Now it's three on two." Isaac said with a smirk, twirling his rope dart.

Lila chuckled and snapped her fingers. A large army of gunmen went to the roof.

"I'll deal with the gunmen." Isaac said and darted towards them.

"You handle Chat Blanc. I'll deal with Volpina." Cassie said and rushed towards Lila.

I darted towards Adrien and swung my staff at him. He blocked with his staff and aimed a kick at my legs. I quickly backflipped out of the way and jabbed my staff at him again. He blocked it. Our weapons clashed as our fight intensified.

Cassie POV

I blocked Volpina's staff with the butt of my whip and cracked it at her. Volpina dodged and kicked me in the midsection. I landed on my back and rolled out of the way as Volpina jabbed her staff at me. I got up and summoned my scorpion to fight Volpina. She blocked the pincers. 

"Scorpion's sting!" I called and lashed my whip at her. Volpina turned into orange smoke.

"Behind you." She said and kicked me in the back. I rolled across the ground. My whip clattered off the ledge.

Before I could get back up, Volpina stomped on my back and laughed.

"It seems Isaac's standards with girls has dropped since you can't fight. What makes you think you can beat me?"

I felt the pressure of her foot loosen as she stumbled backwards. I looked to my left and saw Andy lashing my whip at Lila.

"Because she is my baby sister. And the holder of our late mother's mantle." He replied and lashed the whip again. Lila caught the whip, dropping her guard. Seeing my opportunity, I kicked her shin, causing her to lose her balance. Lila tumbled onto the ground. I pinned her to the ground and punched her in the face a few times before putting her into an arm lock.

"Let me go, bitch!" Lila shouted, struggling to free herself until I pulled her arm so hard, it snapped. Lila screamed in pain.

I got up and tied my whip around her arms while Andrew cuffed her legs. We heard a cry of pain and saw Adrien on the ground clutching his broken ribs. Marinette pointed her yo-yo staff at him.

"You're done." She said venomously.

"Guys, anyone know how to operate this thing? Cos I sure as hell don't." Isaac called via his communicator. 

"I got it! Hang tight." Andrew called. He patted me on the back and smiled.

"Madre and Padre would've been proud of you." He told me and left.

I smiled.

Yeah. They would. I thought an looked up at the sky as if my parents were watching me.

Miraculous Ladybug: The Rise of Chat Blanc Part 1Where stories live. Discover now