Chapter 4: A shocking visit from "Luka"!?

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*Warning: May contain sexual assault and attempted rape*

Marnette POV

"Ok class. That's all for today." Our new History teacher, Mrs Rose, announced as we packed our stuff and prepared to leave the class.

As we made our way home, we talked about what happened yesterday.

"I'm still shocked about Chat Blanc and Volpina are now out and about." Cassie said, shouldering her bag.

"No doubt about it." Isaac replied, tugging on his bandana.

"I'm still wondering where those guys got their miraculous from. I mean, there's no way they could just make one. Not without the proper ingredients." I added.

"You need ingredients just to make a piece of jewellery?" Chloe asked.

"More like components." I answered.

"Right. Well, Master Fu said we oughta keep a look out for them. I have a feeling we'll see them again." Nino said.

We eventually parted ways when we reached my house. I entered the bakery and briefly greeted my parents before going to my room. Sighing, I dropped my bag on the ground and sat on my bed.

"This is a lot to take in." I said.

"But we'll get through this, right?" Tikki asked, nuzzling my cheek.

"Yeah. I'm sure we will."  I replied with a smile.

"I'm afraid I'll have to disagree with that one." A voice called from my window.

Tikki and I looked and saw Luka. His eyes shone red with desire. 

Red? I thought his eyes were blue? I thought.

"Luka, what are you doing here? I thought you were busy." I asked as he came closer to me.

"I wanted to see you, Melody." He purred, stroking my cheek.

I brushed his hand away.

"Well, I'm quite preoccupied at the moment so-."

Before I could react, Luka planted a kiss on my lips. I tried to pull away but my body felt weak and hot all of a sudden. Luka carried me to the bed and tossed me onto my duvet. He crawled on top of me and planted kisses on my face and neck. He reached his hand into my jeans and rubbed my sensitive spot.

"M-maman. Papa. Help me." I tried to call for help but no one came.

"Your parents are a little bit preoccupied at the moment. Now stay still so that we can have some fun." Luka growled as he started pumping his fingers inside me. 

Tikki tried to pull Luka of me but he swatted her aside like she was a fly. Luka torn off my top and blazer and whistled at me chest.

"I like what I see." He said and was about to start rubbing them until he heard the door break open. I saw my parents and a few police officers enter my room.

"What do you think you're doing to our daughter!?" My dad growled.

Luka quickly leaped off me and ran for the balcony. Before they could catch him, he jumped over the railing and ran across the rooftops. My parents hugged and consoled me as I sobbed. 

"It's ok, sweetie. He's gone." My mother said. 

There is no way that Luka would do something like that. At least without my consent. But the way he did it was more than enough to make me rethink about what I thought about him before we started dating

Nevertheless, it's more than enough for my parents to despise Luka. And maybe his mother and sister.

Adrien POV

I waited until I was in the clear and swapped back into a random civilian with a smirk. Using the red ruby to steal Luka's appearance and make it look like he tried to rape Marinette was a fantastic idea. Now it's more than enough for Marinette and Luka to start drifting apart.

I'll keep this up until I strike. My revenge shall be upon them. I thought with a smirk.

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