Chapter 8: The Chase, the dilemma and The shock.

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Isaac POV

I ran across the rooftops as I advance towards Chat Blanc, who was firing waves of destructive energy at me. I fired my webs at him. Chat Blanc easily disintegrated them with his staff. We continued the pursuit until we reached Le Paris de Grande Hotel and landed on the roof. 

I gasped as I saw two people hung by the rope. Jackie and Andrew.

"Jackie! Andrew!" I called.

"Well well. We got ourselves in a dilemma. Who will you save? Who will you sacrifice? After all, you can't save everyone." Chat Blanc taunted.

"You bastard! Let them go!"  I shouted.

"Tsk tsk, Isaac. I'm letting you decide." He replied, pointing at me.

I clenched my fists in anger and lowered my head, my hood covering my mask.

I  can't decide! I just can't I thought to myself. Tears stung my eyes.

"Choose! Or I will!" Chat Blanc shouted.

The wind bit through my jumpsuit. I could hear the crowd murmuring at each other.

"Icarus!" Malik shouted at me as he tried to tackle Chat Blanc, who side stepped out of the way and struck his staff at the base of his skull, knocking him out.

"Too late!" He shouted and used his cataclysm to cut the ropes, dropping both Sabine and Jackie.

I ran towards the edge and fired my webs at them. The webs struck their torsos, hanging them. I tried to pull them up but I felt the web line about to break.

"Damn it!" I muttered. 

Malik regained consciousness and tried to help me, but was pinned down by Volpina and her clones. Chat Blanc pointed his staff at my back.

"In the end, someone else had to decide for you. I guess whoever gave you those ear cuffs made a bad decision." He said and wacked his staff on my back. I buckled from the pain but didn't let go of the web lines.

"That's cheap, Agreste! Why do this!?" Malik shouted.

"Simple. I want to make them suffer as I had when I lost both my parents." Chat Blanc said as he touched the web lines.

"No. Don't." I begged.

With a smirk, Adrien disintegrated the web lines, causing them to fall. With a cry of anguish, I jumped off the building and launched web line after web line at them, making a net to cushion their fall. I clinged onto the wall and panted. After a few moments, I climbed up the wall and saw Malik half-conscious and beaten.

"It was a trick." He said.

"What?" I asked.

"Chat Blanc brought you here to draw you away from the others. They managed to fight off those armoured freaks. But, The Lt of police is in a coma. They attacked him during his patrol. He called for help but no one came. Not even Ladybug." Malik coughed.

Oh shit. This is my fault. I thought as I removed my mask.

If only I knew that Chat Blanc was screwing with us, I'd say forget the stakeout and help with preventing criminals.


Miraculous Ladybug: The Rise of Chat Blanc Part 1Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin