Chapter 57: So Little Time

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"Paul, what are we supposed to do when we get there?"

Thunder sounded in the sky as the air around the three grew colder by the minute.

"You two just hide and sneak your way in, I'll make my way in myself!" Paul responded, hoping that no wolves were roaming nearby.

James sighed and kept running.

"You sure you want to go alone Paul!?" Mike asked, panting, "I don't mean it like I believe he'll hurt you, but entering what is sure to be a wild site by yourself?"

Paul grunted, feeling as the first raindrops began to fall.

"I can't risk you two getting caught out here and being taken away from me. If things go bad, then I don't want to be left by myself while you all get thrown in prison!"

The three continued to run through the forest as the rain slowly began to fall faster, the sky flashing white more and more with it.


John could hear the chaos echoing down the hallway to the room, even with the rain and thunder masking it.

He could do nothing but stare at the rose that was inside the glass, seeing as another petal began to wilt.

There was no way that Paul was behind this, he thought.

Every fiber of his being wanted to believe that that was true.

But, there was still that shadow of doubt looming at the back of his mind.

John didn't want to think about the possibility, but it was almost impossible to ignore.

He didn't care about what was happening at the front of the castle.

He didn't care if all of his friends risked to be broken to protect what passed as their home for three centuries.

Or, almost three centuries...

John couldn't tell exactly what time it was, but the rose made it clear that it was approaching midnight.

If a miracle didn't happen by then, he and any survivors of the fight would be stuck to remains as their cursed selves for all eternity.

John felt tears forming in his eyes.

"D-do I h-have no chance n-now?"


George couldn't tell one person from another as he stood in the middle of the floor.

These strange looking people, some of whom wore odd uniforms while others wore nothing too eye catching, were all a blur as they were chased off to where the nearest doors for the courtyard stood.

Maureen surprisingly seemed to have not so much as a scratch.

Martha came running out of where the kitchen was, and the few people that ran behind him seemed to have ran into Brian, judging by the scorch marks on their clothes.

George looked down at one of his candles, which was unlit as his top one burned brightly.

Sure, he could blast someone with his own fire, but he didn't want to catch one of his friends-


A hand suddenly grabbed hold of him and George quickly went back to being inanimate, hoping that the man hadn't noticed.

The man walked over to a corner, and George saw that Ringo was backed up into it.

The glass on his door was cracked, and he looked up at the man who towered over him.

Pete glared down at the clock.

"So... not so afraid of fire, are you?"

George knew what he was planning do to know, and he felt his heart sink.

Ringo could do nothing as Pete brought the candlestick closer to him.

And then...

"You know, you really shouldn't have done that."

George pointed a golden arm towards Pete, and a large, bright flame erupted from the candle that sat upon it.

Pete let out a yell and stumbled backwards, George falling to the ground.

The flame had blackened the upper part of his shirt, barely missing his face.

Quickly, he ran from the pair and searched were to go next.

He saw that the number of people in the room was significantly smaller than what it had been when they arrived.

"They really ran off? Ah, they'll just come back later with a larger army..."

He saw a teapot and teacup standing on the left railing of the stairs, and they were splashing hot water on those who came nearby.

Though, just as Pete decided to run off somewhere else, he saw the two hop off of the railing and head towards where the kitchen was.

Pete wouldn't dare go back in there, especially because of the oven, pot, and pan.

He took in a breath and made his way to the stairs as quietly as he could, seeing as the objects were all busy chasing the last few people off in the same direction.

No one noticed him make his way up the stairs...

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