Chapter Thirty Three: Friendly With Each Other

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On the beaten dirt path more or less half of the way to the nearby town, the two students walked in the chilled air.

"I'm going to find out sooner or later." Sirius Black was incredibly curious who they were going to see, but Freya Grey hadn't spoken a word to him about it other than "it was not his business" to which he countered with several extremely valid points, however, she found it much more fun to watch him suffer. "It's only a matter of time." He continued, eyeing her stiff side profile. Hand stuffed in his pocket, he weighed his options then decided his next course of action. "Or perhaps some singing would help? You're just too good to be true, can't take my eyes off of youuuu." Sound burst from his vocal cords and Freya muttered a few curses under her breath. "You'd be like Heaven to touch. I wanna hold you so muchOi!"

With little regard for his safety, he was shoved off the dirt path and into the woods beside them. A round-bodied car rolled towards them, cruising easily through the roads. A near sky blue and with an M stamped along the side of it, it was a very recognizable Ministry Car(very similar to muggle cars, only entirely transformed).

Freya carefully peaked out to watch it zoom past them and her hands clutched onto Sirius's sweater as if her life depended on it.

Splinters were digging into Sirius's back since she had practically thrown him behind the tree and he noticed how her lips pressed together, completely ignoring that she had him pinned. She might have been a bit nervous.

"No one's going to recognize us." He rolled his eyes. "Besides, they might just think were kids who snuck off for some peace and quiet."

Once the car was a significant distance away, she let out a breath through her nose, but still had her gaze focused on where the car was. "Why would we need peace and quiet?"

"Well, the castle's a little public."

Swiveling her head up at him, she raised a brow. "Is everything about sex with you?"

"Who said anything about sex? I was talking about knitting." Sirius feigned innocence and she walked off to the path again. Smiling, he followed her, noticing the way a dimple was fighting its way to her cheek. "I love you, baby! And if it's quite alright, I need you, baby!"

"People will hear you."

"Yes, the streets are so crowded." He gestured to the entirely empty roads. "It'd be a shame if they all knew about our DRUG DEAL, WITH OUR MYSTERIOUS DRUG DEALER." Pointing out into the distance, he squinted. "Oh, look that must be Dumbledore on his way right now... no, just a bird. Perhaps, it's an Auror in disguise." Freya rolled her eyes and Sirius leaned closer. "Who is it, Grey? What? It's not like I'll know the person." In the briefest second, her jaw twitched and Sirius was insanely curious. "I do. Who is it?"

He was going to see him anyway, and Freya did not want any funny business to interfere with the important business. Calmly, she said. "Mundungus Fletcher."

"Mundungus Fletcher?" Sirius laughed. "How do you even have his contact?"

"I know people."

Freya really did not want to say how she knew those people. Thankfully, Sirius was constantly looking for a reason to hate her. "Ah, yes. I forget next to the infinitely long list of crimes Slytherins partake in, dabbling with cannabis is very high."

"Yes, and in all crimes that Gryffindors partake in denying drugs is very high. Well done."

"There's a difference between smoking a little pot and huffing dragon's breath."

"Remind me to congratulate Dumbledore, this year's indoctrination speech must have gone over spectacularly well." A touch of tired bitterness rang into her words. "Did he mention how we like to eat our young?" Sirius rolled his eyes, and she looked at him. "What? You think my hair gets this shiny on its own."

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