Chapter Sixty Eight: It's Temporary.

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There's always a sense of dread whenever the school year is ending and coming home looms around the corner. I fear it has grown worse over the years, and I find myself wondering if black market time turners work as well as Mundungus claims they do

"What are you working on?" Sirius Black loomed over Freya Grey's shoulder. His voice hushed in the library, but as soon as Freya heard it, the corner of her lips turned softly.

Without looking up, she scribbled down more words into the leather-bound book. "None of your business."

"Looks like a diary." At this point, his ribs were over her chair, and his hair was on her shoulder. Her quill stopped moving as she closed her writings on her finger to not smudge the ink.

Turning her head, she met his face, only inches apart from hers. "Any particular reason you have chosen to bother me, or is it just for fun?"

A grin came onto his face when her attention moved to him. They were close, and she had that twinkle in her eye that had him begging to stay. A few days had passed since they had officially become more than acquaintances(friends was a title earned with time), and it had bled more into their daily lives now. It was the glance in the classroom, the brush of shoulders in the hallway, or the wink across the courtyard. Still, they rarely made public appearances. They were like each other's secret, made for their eyes only. Public places were inexplicitly off limits, yet on that Wednesday evening, the library was near empty. 

Part of him wondered if he should leave, but a larger part was their knees begging him to stay.

And they were more than acquaintances—basically friends. And Sirius annoyed all his friends all the time. Therefore, there was no reason for him not to extend that courtesy to Freya. It was his duty.

"James is doing tutoring, Remus has a Prefect meeting, and Peter's napping." Plopping down in the seat next to her, Sirius rested his head back while his spine curved in a manner that would make a chiropractor shutter. "And you, love, keep me entertained." His hand reached out for her journal, but she snatched it away. Intrigue played in his eyes. "So secretive... Writing about a crush?" The speculation was baseless, but Freya found his faux pensive face amusing. Tapping his lips with his finger, he tried to think. "Lily— no, no, Severus likes her, James, possibly Peter. Definitely not Remus."

"Why not?"

"He's not your type," Sirius said, and she cocked a brow as she waited for him to elaborate. "He's too... soft."

"Werewolves are known to be timid creatures." She whispered though none of her sarcasm was lost with her lack of volume.

"Haha." He teased and put his hands behind his head, leaning back. "The only thing I have to go on is you said yes to a date with Mr. Barry Crotch Jr., and he's a cunt."

Freya thought about correcting her former date's name for a second but knew Sirius would not fix it. "Barty is no more cuntier than I am." In her opinion, she was much cuntier since he at least tried to be friendly to people. "But, I suppose if cunt was the requirement, you seem to fit right in."

"I knew you couldn't resist me." He winked shamelessly.

"Yes, I am swooning as we speak." Not a hint of love in her voice, Freya had Sirius resisting a chuckle. Abandoning her journaling attempts, she closed her notebook entirely and rested the feather of her quill against her lips. "Shame, Lupin sounds much better than Black. I suppose less cunty works."

"You'd kill him," Sirius said without hesitation.

"Slowly and painfully," Freya said, glittering. "We'd have a true marriage." Licking his teeth, Sirius sat up and rested his chin on his hand while she considered things. "My hair, his eyes, our kids would be unstoppable."

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