I just met Sally Field

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Christmas and New Year have come and gone and after a blissful almost two months spent at home with family I am heading back to New York to start filming for The Amazing Spiderman 2. Before things get crazy and the only actual time we spend together is on set Andrew and I have decided to head out for dinner and Wyatt and Cassie happen to be in town whilst Wyatt is here for business so we're heading out together. We head to one of my favourite restaurants "I see we've both had a hair cut since I last saw you" I say commenting on his shorter look "Yeah shaggy haired Peter isn't really the vibe their going for with this movie. He's supposed to be maturing" he says "Never use the word maturing again it's weird" I say "Okay I like the new hair by the way very MJ" he says "They thought about going darker but I think lighter is better and my hair was getting too long anyway so I like the length" I say as Wyatt and Cassie join us and we all hug and then we sit down and we decide to order some drinks with Andrew and I opting for wine and both Wyatt and Cassie going for sodas "I know why Wyatts not drinking but I've never known you to turn down wine Cass" I say and they share a look "Your pregnant" I say "Yes it's early we just found out a few days ago. Your the first people we've told" she says "I'm absolutely calling godmother. Congrats I'm gonna be an auntie" I say and hug them again "I'm honored to be one of the first to know. Congratulations" Andrew says "Thanks. We're gonna tell mom and dad when we get back to Raleigh so keep it quiet" Wyatt says "I hid an eating disorder for three years I think I can keep this a secret" I say "True. So you nervous about filming starting" he says "I'm always nervous before a new movie" I say "Even I'm nervous and it's my second time doing this there's alot of expectations for this" Andrew says "So what's the plan for how you guys meet or can you not talk about it" Cassie says "We can a little. Originally we were meant to meet at the end of the movie but they've changed that to more of a true to the comics throwback to the original Spiderman with Tobey where I've actually lived next door since we were kids but I've gone to a different school and we've never really met but I'm now suddenly in his world as the girl next door but also the girl dating his former childhood best friend Harry Osborn played by Dane DeHann another nod to the comics" I say "It seems kinda strange that we've been neighbours for years but never met but they kinda explain that they do sort of know each other in passing as kids" Andrew says "We can't say much more than that really just that the romance isn't gonna happen in this movie but it's teased a little bit" I say "I cant wait to see it" she says.

After dinner we are walking back to my place as its not far and Wyatt and Cassie have gone back to their hotel "Why doesn't Wyatt drink?" he asks "I've told you before that my siblings and I all have our stories and you know mine and I figured you would ask me this so I asked Wyatt if he was okay with me telling you and he is. Wyatt is a recovering addict so he doesn't drink and he tries to avoid any sort of drug if be can. He was a few months out of rehab when I ended up in the hospital for the first time. Their have been ups and downs just like I had but he's been clean for almost ten years now" I say "Wow he does not seem like the type" he says "He isn't not anymore but back then he was" I say "All your family are incredible" he says "We just haven't let our pasts define who we are now. We're stronger because of the things we've been through" I say "Can I ask what else has happened" he says "You can. I've cleared it with everyone even Wren but not here out in the open" I say "Okay" he says.

We get back to my house and I pour us some wine before we sit down "Briar suffers from schizophrenia and when she was younger and undiagnosed she crashed her car on purpose and was in a coma for six months they weren't sure if she was going to make it their was brain bleeding and swelling and now she's healthy alive and sees the beauty in art others don't. The twins both insanely talented but Willow was bullied pretty bad all throughout middle school because of her sexuality and it left her in a dark place where she hid how she felt and would self harm, Jacob lost his best friend in a car accident when he was eleven their parents were close with ours they were our neighbours so it impacted us all when they died but Jacob and Max had been best friends since they were kids born a couple days apart inseparable. Jacob went mute for a year and then there's Wren he had leukaemia three years ago we came really close to losing him but I donated bone marrow and he survived. It's why I'm so protective of them all but Wren especially I had gone through a relapse a month before he needed the transplant and the prolonged anorexia had weakened my bones and my immune system so we weren't even sure I could donate but I could thankfully and he's been in remission ever since. We all still have this constant fear he's gonna get sick again but he's a fighter" I say "I have no words to describe what I'm feeling right now" he says "Its a lot I know but your my closest friend outside of my family so you deserve to know what we've been through" I say "Thank you" he says.

After that night Andrew and I are closer than ever and I feel like there's been a change in our relationship and how we are with one another. Today is the first day of filming and we're on set and everyone is getting ready I'm currently in hair and makeup when Sally Field walks into the trailer "Good morning Sage right nice to meet you I'm Sally" she says "I know I'm a huge fan and I can't believe we're working together" I say "Likewise your performance in Forget Me Not was incredible so emotional I cried" she says "Thank you" I say and she leaves and Andrew comes in "What's with the face you look like you've just seen God or something" he says "Close I just met Sally Field and she cried watching Forget Me Not which is insane" I say "I was the same way first them I met her. Now please go back to your normal beautiful smiling face because I'm a little weirded out by the current one" he says and I put on my best smile "Perfect" he says and sits down beside me for his own hair and makeup and I try not to dwell on the beautiful smile comment too much.

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