You've Also Kissed my Husband

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After a blissful three weeks away on honeymoon we returned to the real world. I am currently on my book tour and I've been lucky enough that Andrew has been free to travel with me and we are currently in New York and I'm going on the Stephen Colbert Show. We'd had dinner with Stephen and his wife the night before and they were also at our wedding so I have no nerves doing this "My first guest is an incredible actress and star of stage and screen and she's here tonight promoting her inspiring autobiography My Broken Self please welcome Sage Hughes" he says and I come out and we hug and I wave to the audience and sit down "Hi I have to start off by saying congratulations you are a married woman" he says "I am going on two months now" I say and everyone claps "I was at your wedding and thank you for asking me and it was one of the best weddings I have ever been to and it just perfectly summed you and Andrew up. I mean you had a bounce house, a cookie bar, cupcakes, you served pizza and tacos and gave everyone hangover cure bags as wedding favours" he says "We were never going to have a traditional wedding there was no church everything was outdoors as much as possible we just wanted the day to be fun for everyone. When Andrew and I met I was out with my sister Briar celebrating her new job and final year of college and I told Andrew that we are a family of celebrators so that's what our wedding was a celebration of love for each other and the people in our lives" I say "Andrew is here tonight and he's been with you the entire press tour" he says "Since getting married I feel like I have become annoyingly co dependent like the idea of being apart terrifies me even though we've spent months apart before but I just feel like it's that post wedding phase where you just want to spend every minute together" I say "Knowing you both for awhile now I feel like that's just who you are. People don't see that side of you because you both are such private people which I think is why alot of people were shocked you decided to write such an honest and open book. I didn't know any of the stuff in the book apart from your eating disorder. I cried reading this" he says "Their we're alot of tears writing this. Part of my recovery was documenting my weight gain and food consumption and all that stuff but I also started writing about how I felt and I continued journaling and those journals are what make up this book. I felt that if people were to really understand my journey I had to tell them everything I've been through and it was probably the most therapeutic experience I've had despite years of actual therapy" I say "I loved it and their are already amazing reviews out there. You've taken a break from acting the last year and a half will we see a return next year" he says "I'm hoping so their are a few things I'm interested in doing and acting is my passion and I have missed it but the break has been a good chance to refresh" I say "We're going to take a quick break but when we come back Andrew is going to join us for a little game" he says.

We set up for Andrew to come in and prep for the game "We are back with Sage Hughes and Andrew Garfield. Now we're gonna play a little game I believe your familiar with this Andrew Mr and Mrs I say something you use your paddles which say Andrew on one side Sage on the other you hold up who the question best matches" he says "I feel like this could cause some disagreements" Andrew says "It will make for great television. First one who gets up first" he says and we both hold up me "I'm an early riser but also the one who could stay up til 3am and function on very little sleep meanwhile Andrew sleeps later but is always tired" I say "I see that. Who is messier" he says and I hold up me but Andrew says him "We're not that messy but their have been times when we've been away where we don't unpack for weeks" Andrew says "I agree I'm terrible at doing laundry sometimes" I say "Who's the better driver" he says and we both say Andrew "I don't drive not since I moved to New York because no one drives here kinda the same in London but I really should make an effort to drive more but Andrew does all the driving" I say "Who is the better cook?" he asks and we quickly hold up me "This was pretty obvious her dad is a chef she cooks all the meals and she's an incredible baker" Andrew says "You are I've tasted your cooking it's incredible. Who said I love you first" he says and we say me again "Technically I said the words first but Andrew used the word first" I say "Who holds their drink better" he says and we say Andrew "I don't drink alot so I would say I'm a lightweight but Andrew did puke at Princes house on Golden Globes night" I say "I did. Who has the better taste in music" he says and we say me "I have a varied taste whereas Andrew has a particular favourite genre so only reason" I say "Who makes all the decisions" he says and we say both of us "We make decisions together it's the way it should be we're equals" Andrew says "Who has the better fashion sense" and we say me "I would wear sweatpants and sneakers and an old tshirt all day everyday if I could" Andrew says "I love clothes my style is always changing so I also have too much clothes" I say "Last one who made the first move" he says and we hold up Andrew "He kissed me first" I say "You managed to get through that no arguments. Thank you both for coming and all the best. My Broken Self is in bookstores everywhere I'd highly recommend Sage Hughes and Andrew Garfield everybody" he says.

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