Chapter 127

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Noahs Pov:

I handed bean to my mom then headed up to my room with him. He locked the door, sat on the couch and asked me to sit by the foot of the bed, which i did

Noah: Whats up?

Tim: You heard me downstairs, right? Dixie isnt doing well at all

Noah: I heard you but i just dont know what to do to make her happy again

Tim: Thats not all. She is suicidal Noah

Noah: No, no. That isnt true. I know she self harms but she isnt suicidal. She only does it to feel physical pain rather than her mental pain that she cant solve

I can feel the tears tickling down my cheek as my dad continued to speak. Suicidal? Dixie? Didnt Blake talk her out of it?

Tim: I gave her a truth sedative a few days ago because i know she wasnt being completely honest with me. I know, im not suppose to do that but Dixie is basically my daughter and i care for her. Do you know what she said?

Noah: What?

Tim: She tried it again Noah. Three times in this past 2 months and something weeks

Noah: What did she try? To kill herself?

Tim: Yes. All three times she tried by cutting her veins and overdosing but none took an action against her.....thankfully

Noah: No! She wont leave bean and i

Tim: She has a strong will to die but she wants to make you and Ryan haply before she dies. She said it numerous times

Tim: When was the last time that you saw her stomach, or close to private areas?

Noah: Since the day we moved back here with bean. Why?

Tim: She said, while she was on the truth sedative, that those parts of her look like chicken scratches and like a garbage bag when a hot match falls on it which means that she is hurting herself alot

Noah: No. You are lying to me! She promised me that if she hurts herself she will call me to clean the cuts for her!

Tim: Im sorry Noah but thats the truth. She still tries to kill herself and harms herself alot. She doesnt want to live Noah. She wants you and bean to be happy before she die though

I layed flat back on the bed and feel nothing at all. She wants to die? She still tried to kill herself?

Noah: We are happy with her in our life

Tim: Im sorry. Im really trying my best with her, thats why we have sessions almost every single day but she isnt improving

I got off the bed, opened the door and ran downstairs with my dad following. He went and sat back on the couch while i stood infront Mrs. D'Amelio and Dixie

Noah: Can i sit with her?

Heidi: Uh sure. Why are you stressed?

Mrs. D'Amelio got up and i sat down with Dixies head on my lap. I ignored her question and she went and sat back down by my parents. I caressed Dixies head while thinking about what her life must feel like. Why does she want to kill herself? Is a past trauma bothering her so much or is something going on that i dont know about? Does dad know?

Amy: Would any of you like to inform us what is going on? Why did both of you run downstairs and why is Noah looking worried?

Tim: Noah is getting emotional, dont worry. Lets just let him be in his own thinking space for a while

Bean started crying......of course. My mom started rocking him to hopefully calm him down but he was hungry. Dixie woke up immediately, took bean from my mom and came back by me. She took the shawl from the couch, covered her chest area then started breastfeeding him. Dixie, moved across to me, as i placed one hand around her shoulders and kiss her head, whispering the words 'i love you so much' but it sounded shaky

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