Chapter 26

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Annika's POV

After much back and forth I was able to send Shivaay for his work and came back to the hotel to do mine. I sat dressed in front of the mirror, reminiscing last night. It was the best night of my entire life, well all the nights I spend with Shivaay are amazing but last night I felt like we were both emotionally vulnerable and hesitant.

But looking at each other dissolved all the uncertainty. I smiled to that. I never took Shivaay to be the flirty, cuddly type but I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. Before if someone told me I will fall in love with Mr. Arrogant SSO, I would have laughed. But now it was reality. I loved Shivaay, and he loved me back.

It was the most beautiful feeling.

I just wanted to be done with all the work and lay beside Shivaay talking all night about the stupidest things.

I got ready and started to head towards the door when my phone chimed. I took a look and Shivaay had sent me a text.

Done with the work. Come downstairs near my car, I have a surprise for you.

He is done with his work that fast; I hadn't even had the chance to go make my round.

And another surprise, I smiled to myself. He is going to spoil me to say the least. But I didn't mind. For once I was happy someone was there with me, thought about me, loved me.

I excitedly made my way back down the stairs. Not even having the patience to wait for the elevator. Once I reached down, I bumped into someone.

"I am sorry" I said quickly. I looked up to see Gauri standing in front of me.

"Hey slow down." Gauri said holding my arms to keep me from falling. "Why are you in such a hurry? Kunal and Riya are all done with the preparations and just a heads up... they have done a fantastic job." Gauri added with a smile.

"That's great. I didn't get time to make the final rounds." I said, sighing in relief.

"Then why are you running down the stairs? Everything okay?" Gauri asked concerned.

"Yeah no, everything is perfect. I am just going to the parking lot to..."

"To meet Shivaay?" Gauri guessed with a smirk.

"How did you know?"

"Your eyes are quite the giveaway. Not to mention you are literally red." Gauri laughed. I hid my face in embarrassment.

"No, it's good" Gauri quickly added. "It's nice to see you happy and smile like you mean it. You deserve it, Annika. I don't know what you went through when you joined the company, but I am sincerely happy for you. Now go." Gauri said stepping aside.

"I'll be back in a few minutes. Tell Kunal and Riya to start sangeet." I said before running towards the parking lot.

Once I reached it was mostly empty. Just a few guests for the sangeet were heading towards the elevator. I searched for Shivaay's car spot, but the spot was empty.

I looked around for him but now the parking lot was completely empty. That scared me a bit.

"Did you miss me?" I turned around and I felt the colour drain from my face. Daksh was standing right in front of me. An evil smile forming on lips.

I was too stunned to say anything or think anything.

"Now why don't we catch up. And before you start screaming let me warn you that if you don't do what I say, Shivaay is going to pay the price for it."

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