Chapter 20

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Annika's POV

I woke up from one of the most amazing night of my life. Shivaay confessed his feelings for me. The same arrogant person got all mushy and said heart fluttering things to me. TO ME!!

I was beyond happy. I woke up from the bed only to find it empty.

"Shivaay" I called out rubbing sleep from my eyes.

No answer. I called again, this time a little louder but still no answer. My mind was jumping to the worst conclusions based on my past experiences.

Was it a dream? No, it wasn't. I am pretty sure of that. I wasn't that drunk.

What if he woke up and thought all of this was a big mistake?

He was intoxicated last night. What if he didn't mean that? What if he thought of me as nothing again?

Calm the hell down Annika. I told myself over and over again.

For some reason I started panicking and before I know I am sobbing. The day after my best night is becoming the worst reality check that I can't handle at the moment.

I know I am trembling. I can feel that.

"Annika!" I look up to see Shivaay standing in front of me. Confusion and worry swimming in his eyes.

Next second I am in his arms.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?" he asked rubbing his hands over my back in a soothing way.

I just nuzzled my head in his chest and brought my arms around his waist.

"Tell me Annika. This is freaking me out." He said bringing my face in front of his and holding my face. His fingers gently wiping my tears.

I don't know what to say. I don't want him to think that I don't trust him. I know I can't lie to him either, but I try anyways.

"I had a bad dream" I lie confidently but looked down. I can't look him in eye or else he will definitely see through them.

"Seriously Annika? That is the best you could come up with?" He asked lifting my chin. "Tell me the truth, I won't bite. At least not now." He winked teasingly to which it was impossible to hold my smile back.

"You don't have to know. Now that I think it was a childish reason." I tell him truthfully. "Forget it. It's not important."

"I still want to know. Everything about you is important to me. So, you better tell me because I am not letting you go until you tell me." The look in his eyes confirms his promise.

"I thought you left me after you woke up because you thought it was a mistake." I tell him truthfully. "Please don't be mad at me" I quickly add. I am desperate, and I know it. Because I was genuinely happy and if it's a bubble, I don't want it to pop right now. I am not ready.

"I am not mad Annika. Why would you think that?" he said softly putting a stray hair behind my ear. "You are not wrong thinking that given my previous behaviour. But trust me I'd rather die than having a thought of leaving you." He confesses.

"Where did you go then?" I couldn't stop asking the question.

"To get my expresso of course." He says as a matter of fact pointing towards a cup on the table in front.

"Oh" That was all I could say.

"Annika, I know that its new for me to be like this with you. I completely understand that you have your doubts and you can have all the time you want to get comfortable with me." His voice is low. "I can even stay away from you if you want?" he adds.

I quickly hug him tightly. "NO!" I almost shout. "That's the last thing that I want." I tell him. His body relaxes at my words and he gives a peck on my forehead.

"Thanks for understanding." I say.

"I know I am the best. You should thank the heavens for having me." He jokes, and I hit on the arm lightly which makes him laugh harder.

I move back and give him a quick kiss, but he holds me closer deepening the kiss biting my lower lip.

I move back but not too back as he is still holding me.

"What?" He whines like a baby and pouts. And he looks extremely cute doing that, that I place a quick peck on his lips and move back quickly before he can repeat his previous actions.

"I thought you said you won't bite me" I ask raising my brows.

He pushes me back on the mattress and hovers over me. I am pretty sure that my blood was giving an excellent blush to my cheeks right now.

He moves closer and my heart rate increases exponentially. He comes closer to my ears and almost whispers, "Well you can't trust a man who has a woman like you in his arms to keep that promise."

Before I could answer he placed his lips on mine and this time I didn't object.

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