Chapter 21

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Hello everyone. Extremely sorry for the late update. 


A big hug to all those who read and voted and commented on my story. I really am thankful to all of you. So without any further delay, please enjoy the chapter.

Shivaay's POV

I woke up to the best morning of my life where I was able to see the beautiful face of the woman, I love beside me. After that heavy session of discussion early this morning we decided to get some more sleep.

Annika's phone was vibrating like a manic for the past ten minutes. I picked up the phone carefully so that she doesn't wake up.

The caller id was flashing trouble maker. Now I was immediately on board to know who the person is.


"Madam if you are awake from your beauty sleep, mind if I ask you to come downstairs for some work. You do remember that you are here... whoa wait a second. Hello?" I knew that this was Kunal. And I am not surprised she calls him a trouble maker.

"Yes, you may continue." I said

"Who are you and why are you answering my boss's phone?" he asked.

"Well I am Shivaay and to answer your second question, your boss is still sleeping, and I have no intention of waking her up." I replied.

"Holy shi... I am really sorry. But wait if you are with her that means my plan worked." He said

"I would like to thank you for that actually. It really did work. I am surprised and impressed."

"No worries. Just tell her to come downstairs when she wakes up."


Annika's POV

I woke up but not to an empty bed this time. Shivaay was laying beside me, "Stop staring." I say as I see him look directly into my eyes.

"Stop looking so damn gorgeous." He replied and a soft blush crept up my face. I took the pillow beside me and hit him in the face.

"Stop being a creepy perv." I said hitting him.

He took the pillow from my hand and threw it away, "Hey I can stare at my beautiful wife for as long as I like. Got a problem with it?"

"Correction, ex-wife. We are divorced remember." I say although I regret it immediately. I should get a filter on my stupid mouth. I look down unable to meet his eyes.

He lifts my face to meet his eyes, "Not at all. You are still my wife. We are not divorced."

"But we signed the divorce papers." I ask in confusion.

"Only you. I never signed them, never would." He tells me.

I definitely felt my eyes tearing up, so in order to not cry I changed the subject, "Oh no! I accepted a proposal while I was still married. Now I have to reject him." I murmured but made sure he heard it.

"Excuse me! What did you just say?" he asks jealously clear in his eyes.

"You heard me. There was this man I met about a month ago. Really nice and handsome. He asked me out, so I said yes, and we were going to stay back here in Goa after the wedding. You know to "enjoy"." I say as dramatically as possible. I could feel anger radiate off him in jealousy and trust me I enjoyed every bit of it. But I stopped myself from breaking the character.

"Alright if that's the case, I should also find someone to "enjoy"." He says looking down and my whole plan to enjoy and make him feel jealous just went down the drain. Now it was my turn to burn.

"What are you saying?" I ask him.

"Annika." He moves closer looking directly at me now and a dead serious tone in his voice that makes me more nervous, "You have to be better then that to make me jealous." He moves back and starts laughing hysterically and me, well I went from a smug smile on face to and open-mouthed confused idiot in just a minute.

"I'll get back to you for that Mr.SSO." I promise him and myself.

"Will be waiting gladly." He says still laughing.

"I am going down for work." I say and get up from the bed.

"About time. Your trouble maker called about an hour ago." He tells me.

"Why didn't you wake me?" I ask.

"As I said before you look gorgeous especially when that sweet mouth of yours is shut." His laughing still continues and before I throw something at him, I decide to leave.

"See you soon Wife." He says and winks at me, "And tell that 'nice and handsome man' of yours to find someone else."

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