Chapter 15

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Kunal was planning something only he was aware of. He told everyone, and everyone included only the youngsters, the older generation was kept out of it, that they all should be down at 8pm for something interesting.

He transformed the place from Haldi setting to something sexy and romantic. He kept the dress theme casual and flowy (the part only girls would do). The place was draped in white and mauve curtains, flowing with the wind. Blue/purple orchids, white lilies and orange and pink roses added their charm to the setting.

While Kunal was busy doing the preparations as sneakily as possible...

"Do you need any help?"

Kunal nearly jumped in horror and that horror changed into something different and pleasant as he saw Riya in a beautiful peach dress with pearl earrings. She looked stunning.

"Kunal, Hey! I am talking to you." She said.

"Huh?" It took him a moment to realise that she was saying something. "Um, no. Everything is done." He replied, not able to take his eyes off her.

"Wow, you did this? I am impressed. I didn't know that you were into such 'lovey dovey stuff'. She said smiling which made her look even more prettier.

"I can be bit impressive sometimes you know." He said a with a wink. "So, how do you like everything?" he asked.

"It's beautiful" she said in awe.

"Yes, it is." He said looking at her.

"So you were just planning a romantic evening for the star couple? I thought you were doing something fishy."

"Don't think this is the only thing I did." He said mischievously.

"What else?" she asked curiously.

"You really think I am going to tell you?"

"Well you should."

"No way. Just wait and watch for yourself." He said. "Only twenty minutes are left for everyone to come down and see the surprise."

While they were chatting a man came running towards Kunal, "Sir, the box you ordered has arrived."

"Thank god, finally. Thank you." He started going and Riya followed. "Where do you think you are going?"

"With you."

"No, you are not. Stay here and make sure everything is going fine." He said and ran off.

Riya knew better then that. She quietly followed him and stood behind a table and watched him open the box. What she saw shocked her.

The box was full of handcuffs and Kunal was smiling wickedly picking up one.

She was so shocked that she didn't realise and got up, "Seriously?" she said.

Kunal turned and dropped the one in his hand, "Are you kidding me? I told you not to come. Why can't you listen to me for once?"

"You are seriously out of mind. Why do have these and not one or two but a box full."

"I... wait, why do you care? It's not like I am gonna use these on you." He brushed casually and Riya's face turned red.


"God no, no. That's not what I meant. Never. These are for the ones who are trying to run away from each other." He explained.

"I don't get it." She asked. She was super confused.

"Allow me to elaborate. I did some research these past days and I came to know that there are some love birds among us who are going through some rough path right now. So before the wedding I thought of bringing them a little closer, you know. Handcuffs in there hands to keep them close and work out the problems." He said.

"So, its technically for everyone else except the bride and groom." She said thoughtfully.

"No, its for them as well. It will give them a pretty good idea what's it like to 'live together'. And it also will give them some memorable moments before the marriage. That's it. That's the only reason these cuffs are here."

"Thank god. I thought you were..." she stopped midway.

"I was?" He asked smirking. She felt her face heating up.

"I gotta go." She said and ran leaving a smiling Kunal to himself.

"Twenty minutes over. Time has arrived for the evening." He said tapping his watch.

Hello guys. Before the main part I just wanted to give you guys a filler and some cute Kunal Riya moments. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. More is on the way. Stay tuned for the next part😊. Will update soon. If you liked it please vote and comment.

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