Chapter 3

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It was time. Bright orange and yellow rays from the sun started to climb down the trees. Waverly was leaning against the wall of the den, staring up at the sky.

Wyatt was given a workers outfit to fit in with the technicians at the zombie power plant.

"You look ridiculous." Waverly said as she watched the werewolf slide on a pair of thick glasses.

"Wait until you see the hat." He muttered, shaking his head.

She felt her cheeks start to burn and dropped her gaze down to her feet. 

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Waverly asked him, chewing on her bottom lip. "What happens if your powers flicker. You know how dangerous things can get without your moonstone-"

"I'll be fine." Wyatt interrupted her, dragging his large black boot on the ground. "I guess we'll see what happens out there."

Waverly cleared her throat and lifted her head, brushing down the bulk of the grey hoodie she was wearing.

"What's your plan?" She questioned.

He blinked at her. "Find the girl."

She sucked in an obnoxiously loud breath then blew it back out. " are you going to do that?"

Wyatt shrugged his shoulders, adjusting to the feeling of the uniform. It was big on his arms and it hung over his boots. 

"How hard can it be?"

Waverly frowned at that comment. "Right. Can you even see out of those binoculars?"

He let out a small laugh and gripped the right edge of the glasses.

"I can see enough."

Waverly inhaled sharply and reached towards him, flicking the tuft of white hair hanging over his forehead.

"Well, good luck." She said with a sigh. "Try to stay away from the humans."

He pulled the glasses down and squinted at her. "No promises."

Waverly held back a laugh, looking at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"Get out of here," She ordered. "I can't take you seriously with those on."

As she turned to leave, he grabbed her gently by the wrist.

Waverly paused.

"I'll be careful, I promise." He spoke softly, sliding towards her.

She held her breath, debating wether she should turn around and face his large puppy eyes or keep walking.

Before she could decide, Willa stormed over with an unusually angry look on her face. The rest of the pack wasn't too far behind.

Wyatt let go of her wrist and took in a breath.

"Are you ready?" Willa asked her brother, attempting to hide her concern for him.

But Waverly could see it.

Wyatt grabbed his binocular glasses and a bulky grey plastic hat off of the floor.

"Yeah," He muttered. "Let's go."

He followed his sister to the tree line with the rest of the pack.

Wynter hurried over to Waverly.

"He'll be fine," The young wolf said, a small smile on her face. "Wyatt knows how to incapacitate a human in under five seconds."

"Random, but reassuring.." Waverly said with a slightly chuckle. "Thanks, Wynter."

She pat Waverly on the arm then scurried into the forest.

When Darkness Falls ༄ Wyatt LykensenWhere stories live. Discover now