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„Grey, please stop, I'm getting dizzy just looking at you!"

Grey Hawthorne was walking nervously up and down in his room in front of the window, but then he stopped and looked at his friends. They were in his parents' home in Willowsbay, waiting for their friend to arrive. 

Cato Harris was sitting on the bed, playing on his phone. The blonde, short-haired, robust, tall guy made a dangerous impression at first glance, but his friends could not be deceived by the look of the former football player anymore. Cato was the most patient and understanding person Grey knew, and although his strength far exceeded that of most boys of similar age, he did not often engage in fights even during his high school years. Yet those were quite common in the football team. The boy in the armchair was Thomas Roth. He grew a few inches taller but he was skinnier than his muscular friends. Thomas, with his blue eyes, symmetrical, freckled face, and always carefully adjusted reddish-brown hair, was far less average than Cato, or Grey, who looked exactly like the ex-captain of the high school football team would.

"Who told you to stare at me, Roth?" grinned the addressed, while he stroked his brown hair. Grey enjoyed being at the center of attention, even if it was just such a small thing.

"Seriously though, what could be so important, that you are this nervous?" asked Cato.

"I told you, I won't talk about it until Drake gets here. I wanna see your reaction together."

"You know we're tolerant. It's okay if you're gay. Don't make a fuss, we love you no matter what," Thomas grinned, but Grey responded only with a devastating look.

"I don't want to go back to school yet," Cato muttered. "I don't want to go to lectures and take exams again... I feel like what I did in the summer made a lot more sense. Even when I was just training all day."

"I get it. I'm bored to death at college, but we might be able to change that," Grey said.

At this moment the door of the room opened, and a light blonde haired, young man entered. His dark gray shirt highlighted his cheerfully gleaming blue eyes. The brand labels on his clothes were easily noticeable, he wore only the products of the most renowned – and of course the most expensive – fashion designers.

The next second the head of a girl with long brown hair appeared at the door. She had playfully glowing brown eyes and a big smile on her face.

"Drake is here."

"Thank you for this precious information, sis," Grey rolled his eyes. "If I don't notice it when someone enters my room next time, I'm gonna ask for your help."

She shrugged and disappeared down the hall again. Drake made himself comfortable on the bed next to Cato.

"Is Rachel okay?" Thomas asked.

"Maybe she feels lonely. Should we call her in? She was alone in her room the whole afternoon," Cato said.

"I don't think she feels that way," Drake said with a half-smile.

"She won't be called in, because I want to talk with you," said Grey impatiently.

"I think we all cannot wait any longer for you to finally share what's so important," Cato yawned, which of course made what he had said a little less credible.

"Okay," Grey nodded and sat on the top of the desk in front of the window, facing the others. "As you know, I've been pushing files around at the FBI all summer, and I have to say it made sense because... Well, if we want, we can attend the fall training in Los Angeles."

Bros with benefits - Toddlers at the FBIWhere stories live. Discover now