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The FBI cases weren't exactly success stories. They boys and Katherine had spent numerous days asking around at the seashore, but there was no sign of the two missing girls and their department got off the case after 2 weeks, leaving it to the LA department to solve it.

The drug case that Damon promised them turned out to be a disappointment at the beginning, too. It was a lot of paperwork and almost no time on missions. Sometimes they were on "van-duty" following someone, taking photos and they were handling the microphones.

Thomas and Cato still had huge dreams though. When they got into it, they had often gone as far as arresting the head of a drug cartel in disguise. Drake had lower expectations, he would have been happy with something little as well, a low-level drug dealer or something. Damon saw the boy's concern and he assured them that after gathering the necessary information, the real action will begin. He lied only a little, after collecting the data, they had to organize and analyse it, but it went rather smoothly because Drake and Thomas enjoyed connecting the dots. The real action came after that.

For a while they have been working almost constantly. They collared several dealers, they followed and took over drug shipments. It was not an easy job, they had to run after men a lot, they were cursed and spat at, someone even shot at Grey, but as Cato said, he provoked it.

When someone had to work longer hours in the city they were staying at Katherine's. They agreed on paying a part of her rent as most of the time someone was there. Katherine did not mind sharing her home with them, even Grey gave it up to flirt with her constantly. He only did it every second hour.

This became their new life and it turned out to be as they expected it.

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