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Drake lost again.

It was the third time in a row he had lost in rock-paper-scissors and had to be the designated driver for the night. He didn't really mind the first two times, but this was Cato's birthday and he was pretty sure everybody was going to get wasted.

He wasn't very enthusiastic as he got into Grey's car to drive them to the Grill. And this time there were a lot of girls, too. Cato's girlfriend, Nora, which was kind of natural since it was his birthday, but Thomas also brought Ivy along for some reason, even though the two of them didn't seem to get along very well lately. And of course, Rachel and her best friend, Santana.

To be completely honest, Drake was not very happy with having the girls around. Rachel and Santana were okay, they were kind of part of the crew by then, but Cato and Thomas acted slightly different when their girlfriends were present, not to mention that there were a lot of things Drake would have talked about to his friends but not to Nora and Ivy.

At least he could always count on Grey not to have a girlfriend and act normal. Normal by Grey's standards, anyway.

It wasn't like Drake never had a girlfriend. He did have girls to date more often than not but he usually chose not to introduce them to his friends. They just weren't worth the fuss. He tried a few times but there was no use since not many of these ladies earned a third or a fourth date.

"Hey," he said as he got into the car. Grey was waiting for him in the passenger seat. "Are you alone? Where's Rachel?"

"I don't know, something came up. She might join us later," Grey shrugged. "Let's just pick up Thomas and Ivy."

"Is that something called Noel Keaton?" Drake raised one of his eyebrows as he turned left at the traffic light. He remembered Grey's rage when he learned Noel had cheated on his sister all too well and he did not want to witness all that drama again.

"Oh no, of course not. No. I hope not. Shit, I should have asked. She can't possibly be still into him."

"Girls will be girls," Drake shrugged. "They are into you all the time."

"I am better than Keaton!" Grey said but Drake did not pay attention because he was pulling up at Thomas' house.

He and Ivy got into the car. Drake had to admit to himself that Ivy was hot. She had long, blonde hair, a perfect body and a unique voice which Drake fancied. She was as boring as every other girl, nevertheless.

When they got to the bar, Cato, Nora and Santana were already there along with a group of cheerleaders from Rachel and Santana's class, who were happy that the former star footballers of Willowsbay High – Cato and Grey – were back in town. Three of them were right at Grey's side the moment they set foot in the building, and he seemed to be pretty satisfied with the situation.

Drake had to accept that if he wanted to celebrate his best friend's birthday, he had to spend the night with a lot of people he did not like at all.

"Let's play beerpong!" one of Grey's girls screamed. Unfortunately for Drake, the idea was popular, so he went to the counter to get a soda.

Thomas and Ivy were already in the line, they seemed to be arguing about something.

"No, I told you, I have training next week!"

"I know," Ivy hissed. She tried to keep her voice down so that they wouldn't cause a scene. "You told me. Just like every other week. This insane thing has become your entire life, Tommie! You can't possibly want this for real."

"Ivy, I want this. We want this. You know this is what I want to do with my life. I want to study crime."

"Yes! To study! At university, in your criminal psychology classes, like a normal, everyday person! Since when does your precious FBI training count as studying?!"

Bros with benefits - Toddlers at the FBIWhere stories live. Discover now