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The boys were allowed into the hospital room. Thomas was lying on his bed. Without all the blood and his wounds cleaned, he did not look that bad. The back of his head was swollen, he had a bruise under one of his eyes and he had a huge band-aid on his left cheek but he seemed okay. He also called his mother and brother and reassured them that there was no need for them to come in.

"I told you it's better than it looks," he said.

"Visiting hours are over in a couple of minutes. Until then I'll leave you to be," the nurse said and left the room.

Thomas looked at his friends but they avoided his gaze. Damon was looking out the window. Only Katherine was looking at him directly.

"What a day, huh?" she broke the silence.

Damon turned around.

"If I've heard it correctly, you can leave tomorrow, right?"

"Yes, I only have to stay for tonight just to be sure because of the concussion," Thomas answered.

"I could not be happier, that you are fine," he smiled.

They were all silent for a while. Damon looked at Katherine.

"We might go back to the city, it is getting late," he said and Katherine nodded. "I want you all in the office on Wednesday. We have a lot to talk about. But for now, rest."

Katherine stood up from Thomas' bed, leaned over and kissed him on the head.

"Try to avoid the bad guys, okay?" she asked.

"I promise," Thomas smiled.

"See you on Wednesday," Damon said.

"Bye," waved Katherine.

"We are in trouble, aren't we?" Cato asked as they stayed alone.

"Most probably," Drake answered.

"Do you think we're getting fired?" Thomas asked.

"I hope not," Cato said.

They went silent again.

"Guys, if you're gonna do this, please leave now," said Thomas. He sounded tired. "We all had an awful day, but I am here, I am fine. The doctor who closed the wound said that hopefully it will not be visible, so please could we just act normal?"

"I'm hungry," Grey said. They looked at him. "I want pizza."

"I have this gel thingy," pointed Thomas to the little table next to the bed.

"Visiting hours are over," came the nurse in.

"I'm staying," Grey stated.

"I'm sorry, sir, but visiting hours are over, you can come back tomorrow at 9 o'clock."

"I'm staying," Grey repeated.

"Sir, you'll have to understand..."

"No, you'll have to understand" Grey interrupted and he took out his FBI ID. "This man was kidnapped and tortured today, so I'm staying next to him tonight."

The woman gave up.

"See you tomorrow then," Cato said.

"We are here to pick you up at 9," Drake promised.

"Night, guys," Thomas said. He looked at Grey. "And you can only stay if you are not going to look at me like I am about to disappear any moment."


Drake was sitting on the floor of their dorm room in the dark and listened to the beeping noise after dialing Rachel's number. She answered after a long time.

"Hi! I'm sorry I had Gave in my arm and I had to hand him over to Mom. How are you?!"

"I... don't know. I just really wanted to talk to you but I have no idea what I want to say. Is that okay?"

"Of course! I'm glad you called, we have been worried sick here," she said. "I am so glad Thomas will be okay. Grey told me he stayed at the hospital, even though they didn't want him to. How are you holding up?"

"I am better now, I guess. I think... this was the worst thing that ever happened to me. I just... saw his body, sitting... rather lying on that chair. He fucking seemed dead."

"I don't know what to say. Drake... are you sure that you want to go on like this?"

"No. Yes. I don't know. I think I need time. This was terrible and if we go on, I'm sure I will have to see Thomas or the others in mortal danger at least a few times. I don't know if I can handle that again," he ran his fingers through his hair and pulled up his knees to cover his face.

"It's okay. It's your decision. You can get out anytime. But if you choose to stay... you guys need to be more careful. There are other people who love you."

"Yes, I know. We fucked it up big time. But I really need time to decide. These missions were... useful. We had a purpose. You can't just walk away from that."

"Well... I don't know what that feels like. I just know how it was to get the news that Thomas was tortured. Not something one wants to hear on a Tuesday night."

"No, I guess not."

They didn't say anything for a while.

"I'm scared," Drake said into the dark.

"I know."

"But I want to do this."

"I know that, too," Rachel sighed.

"I think Cato's coming out of the bathroom. Gotta go. Thanks for listening to me."

"Anytime, although... I really hope you won't be in a situation like this again."

"Yeah, me too."


They were sitting in a small meeting room. Damon stood in front of them.

"I am extremely disappointed," he said. "What you did was not only irresponsible, but it was extremely dangerous and stupid as well. I don't know what has gotten into you. I was so satisfied at the beginning, you exceeded all the expectations towards you. And then... this. I don't wanna go into what could have happened, because I am pretty sure that you can't think of anything else but that."

"We are sorry," said Drake.

"I know," said Damon. "And I hope you've learnt from that."

He opened the folder in front of him and took out some documents. He handed them out to the boys.

"What is this?" Grey asked.

"You are suspended," Damon said.

Drake read through the paper.

"Suspension for four weeks... Decision on further employment at the end of the suspension... Is this a 'maybe firing'?"

"I wouldn't complain. You can only be happy that it's not your dismissal notice," Damon said. "I want you to use these four weeks to think. I know that this job can get pretty exciting and eventful but we are not James Bonds or superheroes or I don't know what you were thinking. I want you to think about if you can accept this job for what it is with its rules. If not, it is also okay, we can let you go, just let me know. Now, take these four weeks to concentrate on your studies and to think about what you want. Call me when you made up your mind."


The boys talked a lot about what went wrong. It was out of question if they wanted to continue, of course they did. But they knew that they couldn't afford the luxury of being captivated and reckless again. They agreed on acting saner in the future.

They called Damon together as the team they were and told him that they were planning to continue if the bureau would want that as well. Damon told them that he would forward their decision to the superiors and get back to them when he hears something. He was way less angry with them as before, he also told that he hoped to be able to work together soon.

Thomas' face healed very nicely. From close a whiter horizontal line was visible under his left cheek but it was not like an ugly scar.

All that was left was to study for their upcoming exams.

Bros with benefits - Toddlers at the FBIWhere stories live. Discover now