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Cato and Drake were sitting in Cato's room, drinking hot chocolate. They were trying to watch a Christmas movie but they kept looking at their watches.

"What do you think they are doing right now?" Cato asked. "Do you think they are out somewhere?"

"No, most probably not," Drake shrugged. It was still surreal for him that it was really happening. "They are most likely at home, with Grey trying to get into Katherine's pants."

"Do you think she will ever give in?" Cato grinned.

"I don't think so, she seemed pretty determined about it, but then again, I don't know many girls who would actually never sleep with Grey. Most of them give in after a while. We'll see."

"Do you wish we were there?"

"Instead of them, no. With them, yes."

Cato nodded. They heard a quiet knock on the door.

"Yes, Mom?"

The door opened and Rachel Hawthorne turned up.

"Hi," she said. "Your mom let me in and she said you were here. Can I come in?"

"Of course," Cato immediately got up and wrapped her up in a tight embrace. She almost disappeared between his big arms. "How are you?"

"Honestly?" she sighed and sat down on Cato's bed. "Worried. It is weird enough that Grey won't be home for Christmas, but to think that he spends it running from probably armed drug dealers... I am not so fond of this whole FBI thing anymore. It feels a bit too real."

"Don't worry too much about him, though," Drake smiled at her. "He'll be fine. He's got protective gear, he is trained and they are working together with more experienced agents."

"Are you really trying to convince me that working for the FBI is not as dangerous as I think it is?" Rachel raised her eyebrow.

"It's obviously not working," Drake shrugged. "At least I tried."

"How is your mom okay with this?" she looked at Cato. "You always say your dad had to stop when you were born because they thought it was too dangerous for a family man. Grey is definitely a family boy. So are the rest of you."

"She said she knows she can't keep me from going if that's really my calling. Exactly because of my dad. She knows how much it meant to him and that the only thing that could make him want to stop was that he had something that was even more important for him - well, me."

"That's kinda why I came," Rachel said. She seemed calm, but serious. "You two are in it, too. You also want to risk your lives at 20. Grey literally chose not to be home for Christmas because he wants this thing more. So, why? What made your dad want it so much? What makes you want it so much?"

"Rach, you can't even imagine what it feels like," Drake said. "I haven't even gone on a real mission yet, and still, I feel like my life has meaning. I think there are two things about it that nothing can compare to. The first one is doing something good for the world. Probably protecting innocent people, but most definitely making some real difference. I haven't experienced this part yet but I literally can't wait and I would have volunteered in a heartbeat, even if it was Christmas, if I didn't know it would kill my mother."

"You think it's not killing my mother?" Rachel asked quietly.

"I didn't say that, I just think Grey agreed to do it at Christmas because he felt like his parents could handle it. I would have done the same if I thought mine could, too. I am definitely not staying home for me."

"I don't think your mom would be very happy to hear that."

"But she doesn't, does she? I stayed. That should be enough."

Bros with benefits - Toddlers at the FBIWhere stories live. Discover now