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Katherine and Grey were in the simulation room and practiced shooting. They were both quite good at it.

"This is so boring," Grey stopped.

He looked at Katherine, who stopped too.

"How about spicing this up a little bit?" Grey asked with a naughty smile on his face. "Ten shots. If I score more, then you go out with me."

Katherine measured the thought then nodded.

"But if I win you do my paperwork for a week... no, for a month," she said and she smiled daringly at her teammate.

"It's a deal," Grey said eagerly.

"Good luck," Katherine said, she stood in position and started the program.

"478 from 500! Yeah!" Grey shouted in excitement but then he looked at Katherine's screen. "491?! You cheated, didn't you?"

"It was all fair and square," she said and threw her hair over her shoulder.

They turned off the simulator and put away the equipment.

"When are you gonna admit the sexual tension between us, Powell?" Grey asked teasingly on their way out.

Katherine stopped and turned to Grey.

"Hawthorne, once and for all, you are a cute guy, you are handsome and obviously attractive, but I like my men with... hmm... less 'meat' on them. My type is like Harold."

"Harold? Who?"

"Harold, our IT guy."

"Oh God, you mean Harold with his bald head, ginger beard and Harry Potter-glasses?"

"Yes, he is cute, and he is... One of a kind? No offense, but you look like an aftershave commercial."


The next day Grey was standing in front of the mirror looking at himself, while the others sat on the couch watching some silly show on the television.

"Powell said the meanest thing to me yesterday," Grey turned to the others.

"You have been once called a 'selfish, sex-centered, asshole, prick, who doesn't care about anything except his dick'. I was there," Cato said. "Was it meaner than that?"

"She said to me that I look like an aftershave commercial," Grey erupted.

Thomas spit half of his drink.

"Savage," he said, coughing.

"Hawthorne, don't worry. You look like shampoo, perfume, car, and clothing commercials as well," Drake grinned.

"She said that I'm not 'one of a kind', whatever that means," Grey said, observing himself in the mirror again.

"Uh, uh, I know the solution," Thomas said eagerly. "Highlights."

"Or a face tattoo?" Drake added.

"Eyebrow-piercing," Thomas went on.

"Or you could simply wear your glasses sometimes," Cato suggested.

"But I like my lenses," Grey countered.

"No, you like the fact that nothing is on your pretty face," Cato said.

"And I'm the one who has to listen, that you have aching eyes by the end of the day," Thomas added.

"You might be right," Grey said and went into his room.

He came back with glasses on and sat on the floor in front of the couch.


Drake was sitting in the office alone. The others have left already but he stayed. He wanted to finish what he was working on because he asked for a day off the next day. He had to arrange everything for his New Year's Eve party.

Damon came in whistling. He was in a good mood.

"Good news?" Drake asked.

"Great news, Mayhew, great news. After the Christmas success they put us now on the drug case permanently. It means more work and more missions in the new year."

Drake got really excited, and he could not wait to tell the others. He planned to call them in the evening.

He wrapped up what he was doing, said goodbye to Damon and left to Willowsbay. He had the biggest party in the town's history to organize, as they had so much to celebrate that year.

Bros with benefits - Toddlers at the FBIWhere stories live. Discover now