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That New Year's Eve Drake felt happier than ever before. He loved Harvard, even though he only ever went there when he had exams, he loved Shadowdale University and his life with the guys but most of all he loved having joined the FBI. He felt like his life finally made sense, like he could finally use his talent and his brain for something that was really worth it. He felt like he owed Grey big time for coming up with this crazy idea.

The party was at their place because it was the only house big enough to host as many people as they invited. They were completely aware they were gonna spend it with each other but they still felt like throwing the party of the century. So Drake sent his parents to his grandmother's mansion for the day and bought a ton of beer and spirits for the guests, which meant pretty much every young person in Willowsbay.

The enormous house was so packed Drake was sure at least half the town really came. All four of them were ecstatic. They were sitting in Drake's bedroom, on the floor, on the elegant, soft carpet he loved lying on.

"Here's to the best year ever," Cato raised his second bottle of champagne, laughing happily.

"Do you mean the one behind us or the one to come?" Grey grinned.

"Both!" Thomas exclaimed. They all laughed and drank from their bottles.

Suddenly, they heard a knock on the door.

"Oh shit, I hope it's not some girl who wants Grey for the night, I am not ready for this party to be over," mumbled Thomas.

"Come in!" Cato yelled, so Rachel's cheerful face turned up at the door.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt your yearly gangbang, it's just, some guys were wondering if they could maybe try the Harley...?"

"Oh shit," Drake sighed. "I knew I should have parked it into the garage. Okay, let's go, let's give those kids something to celebrate, too. But only on my watch."

He stood up and followed Rachel downstairs. Drake couldn't help but notice she didn't look particularly ugly from behind in her black miniskirt and deep red blouse. Or from the front, for that matter.

They went to the yard and watched as at least 6 random guys from Willowsbay High took his Harley for a ride. They weren't thirsty, so they got bored with it pretty fast after taking a bunch of selfies and posting them immediately.

"Hashtag motorcycle," Drake sighed when they all went back into the house. It was high time for that, as none of them were wearing anything warmer than a T-shirt. Neither were Drake or Rachel but none of the guests seemed to feel the cold. "Do people take selfies with washing machines, too, nowadays?"

"You're mean, Drake," Rachel laughed. "A Harley is a big deal, even for you. It's not like a washing machine. You're practically in love with it, don't deny it!"

"I wasn't trying to," he grinned. "I am just not a drunk kid taking selfies with it, but the one who is actually taking care of it and is able to drive it properly."

"Oh, is there a way to drive it properly?"

"Of course there is. But not the way these idiots were trying to do it..."

"What's the big deal about it, anyway?" she asked.

"Excuse you?!" Drake pretended to be upset. "What's the big deal about riding a Harley? Haven't you tried it before? It's life!"

"Never," Rachel shrugged. "But I never really had the urge, either. Cars just seem safer to me."

"Well, I guess they are. But a hell lot more boring, too" Drake smiled. "Wanna give it a go?"

Bros with benefits - Toddlers at the FBIWhere stories live. Discover now