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"Welcome to your first official briefing," an older man said in a huge meeting room. The boys had a ceremony at the end of the previous week, where they got their IDs. "25 of you managed to finish the training and to pass the tests, which means we have 25 young new agents under our wings. We split the 25 of you into five groups, and we ordered a team leader to each group. You will find the list with your names and the groups behind me. You can have a 15 minute break then you will meet your supervisors. The room numbers are on the lists as well. Good luck to you, agents!"

The man left the room and the boys and girls stepped closer to the board with the papers.

"What if we get split up?" Thomas asked.

This was a relevant question, but they kind of ignored it until then.

"We won't," Grey said.

"You can't be sure," Thomas rolled his eyes. "Did your father say anything?" Thomas turned to Cato.

"He did not," Cato shook his head.

"It would be logical to split us up, wouldn't it? We are young, everyone else here is three years older than us. We might have passed the training, but we are still the youngest here," Drake stated the obvious.

Grey took a deep breath and went to the board. He turned around with a huge grin.

"We are together! With Katherine Powell. Isn't she...?"

"Hello boys," the girl stepped to them. She wore black jeans and a jacket and looked amazing. "I guess, we will spend our next couple of months together."

The boys looked at her hypnotized.

"Okay, stop drooling," she laughed. "This won't work, if we don't have some rules. Since the beginning of the training I have been asked out every day. It might be flattering but it's also exhausting. We're gonna work together a lot. You might be cute little boys with six-packs but I don't date young boys or coworkers so save the time and awkwardness for all of us and please don't even try on that. Okay?"

"Got it," Drake said. "I don't know if we have rules, but I want to... warn you, that we have been friends for years now, and it might be intimidating to be forced into a group like that. So, if you ever feel excluded in any way, please tell us."

"Okay, but I won't be unhappy if you won't invite me to your beer keg party or strip nights or however you spend your nights," she smiled. "Now, let's meet our boss."


"It's a bummer!" Drake said, disappointed.

"I know, guys," Damon Santoro said, who was the leader of the boys' team at the FBI. "But I can't do anything. And don't forget that you were whining for some real action for weeks now."

"Yes, but why during the holiday season?" Grey asked.

"Because criminals don't respect the birth of Baby Jesus, Hawthorne. I'm sorry that the timing is inconvenient for you. But as I said, I need three of you here during Christmas. We've got intel that a big drug shipment is arriving on the 25th so we must be there when that happens. You can be happy that I need only three of you and that you can decide who stays."

"I volunteer," Katherine said. "I'm here alone anyway and don't have anyone to visit."

"I volunteer, too," Thomas said.

"Are you sure?" Drake asked.

"Yes, not like I want to spend the holidays with my mom and her current asshole boyfriend. And Ben and Emily are having the baby soon, they won't have much time for me anyway."

Bros with benefits - Toddlers at the FBIWhere stories live. Discover now