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The next weekend the boys decided to celebrate Thomas' healing with a trip to LA. Cato suggested that they invite Rachel and Santana, too, so the 6 of them booked a hotel and hit the road on Thursday morning.

They spent the day surfing and swimming at the beach, only when it got dark did they go back to the hotel to play pool. They drank some cocktails and formed two teams, Cato and Thomas played against Drake and Rachel. Grey and Santana did not want to join; they refused to get away from the table soccer.

"So are we gonna go hiking tomorrow?" Cato asked while he hit the ball. He pocketed another one right away. They were 3 points ahead already.

"If we can get up in time," Thomas grinned. "Also, it might rain."

"If it rains we could go to the cinema," Rachel suggested.

"Can you not talk while you are scoring, please?" Drake asked kindly.

"Hey, let the lady speak, she is our secret agent," Cato laughed.

"Yeah, that's exactly my problem," Drake smiled. "Okay, I can't watch this anymore."

He got behind Rachel and put his arm on hers for them to grab the cue together.

"You hit it gently, okay? Like this. And try this angle."

Rachel looked at his face that was incredibly close to hers that moment, then she slowly nodded. Drake reluctantly took a step back. He didn't mind her not being too good at pool if he got to be that close to her as a result. Rachel scored and she almost pocketed a ball.

"Nice," Drake smiled. "You'll get there."

"Sorry, I really suck at this," she laughed. "We should play darts instead, we'd smoke their asses, I promise. But with pool, you'll have to save the day."

"I think it's kinda too late for that," Thomas said and pocketed the black ball.

They all shook hands with each other and decided to join Grey and Santana, but they were already accompanied by two dark haired guys.

"Oh hi," Grey said. "Meet our new friends! They are from Europe and it's their first time in LA. We are giving them recommendations."

"Nice to meet you," one of the guys said with a funny accent. "It's Luca."

"Lorenzo," said the other one.

Everybody introduced themselves and they told the Italian guys a couple of wild stories about the city. They agreed to go hiking together the next day. They were ordering drinks while talking and didn't even keep track of time. About two hours later Drake stood up to get a bottle of water at the counter. He had drunk 2 cocktails and a beer and he felt like that was way too much for him for a night.

"Hey," he heard a voice from behind him and when he turned around he saw Rachel. "I need to ask you something. As a guy, what do you think about Lorenzo?"

"I can't really tell. He is obviously very good-looking and he knows that. But if he is dangerous for Santana to get involved... I can't tell."

"So you've noticed it, too, right?!"

"Obviously, he keeps staring at her breasts and basically ignores everybody else. But I mean, he is a guy. That, by itself, doesn't mean anything bad."

"I just want something good to happen to Santana for once. She always falls for the jackasses," she sighed.

"Look who's talking," Drake smiled gently. "Her ex-boyfriend is a lot better than Keaton."

"I'm not talking about her ex-boyfriend but all the shitheads who screwed her over. She has a thing for handsome, mysterious guys and that type is usually not good news. But I can't decide about Lorenzo, either, so I thought maybe your male detector could be of help."

Bros with benefits - Toddlers at the FBIWhere stories live. Discover now