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The job itself was like a dream of Grey's. They had to party a lot, they went to clubs, they had to make new connections. They were looking for dealers, but they had to play their roles well, not to seem too interested and suspicious.

They also faced another problem: they were known on campus. Not that everyone knew who they were, but the news about the students working for the FBI went around. They were like some distant magical heroes and the stories made up about them were very similar to the ones Cato and Thomas fantasized about when they drank too much. All in all, they had to be careful.

Cato and Grey were missing out on university lately. They said it was because of the job but they seemed simply lazy. When Drake and Thomas expressed their concerns, they always got the same answers.

"The lectures this semester are mostly about theory," Grey said, lying on the couch, eating crisps. He should have been at the university.

"Yes, it is enough to study before the exams, everything else is only a waste of time," Cato confirmed who was playing on his phone instead.

Thomas rolled his eyes. It was clear from the first moment of their friendship that they had a different idea about the importance of education. It was an even bigger problem that Grey did not seem to realize that Thomas could have slowly graduated in the field of marketing as well, as he prepared many of the notes for him, when the boy "did not feel like reading that day". He kept these thoughts to himself. On the one hand, because he was afraid that Grey would get the idea to send him to his exams, on the other hand, he did not mind the extra information, before the FBI he even thought about studying marketing psychology.

"I just don't want to make it harder for yourself in the end," Thomas said worriedly.

Drake could not accept the explanation either, but he decided to take a different approach on the topic.

"I hope you are aware of the fact that we have a contract," Drake said.

"What contract?" Grey asked, forcing a handful of crisps in his mouth.

"The FBI let us join without us meeting most of their basic requirements, but they made it clear that they want us to reach a certain GPA," Drake explained.

"Oh fuck," Cato looked at Grey. "We agreed on having at least Bs."

"Chill out, it's probably some formality," Grey said but he did not sound convinced. "And how could they check on our grades anyway?"

"They are the FBI, Hawthorne," Drake said spookily. "I think they can read?"

Grey waved his hand and continued watching the show on television. Still, Thomas found him squatting over a book later in their room.


"What do you want now, boys? Pills? Coke? I could get you mushrooms as well, but that takes time," said a thug-looking man in the toilet of a bar.

Cato and Grey became regulars by him. He seemed like an easy target, he just needed time to work on him.

"Well, we might want to get in the business as well," Cato said.

The man looked at them suspiciously.

"Not here, though'" Grey continued on. "But there are some bars without proper service."

"I can sell you 4-5 grams more, but that wouldn't help you, would it?"

"Not really," Cato said.

The man looked around despite being alone in the bathroom. He even lowered his voice.

"I'm not allowed to say any names," he said. "I might get into trouble for that."

Grey patted his shoulder and he lowered his voice as well.

"We get it, you never know who you can trust. Would there be any other way? Could you... maybe... I don't know, slip our numbers to the boss?"

The man thought about it for a while.

"We will buy twice the dose tonight if you try to bring it up next time," Cato said and he took out some money.

The man thought even harder with the money in front of his eyes.

"You know what, okay. I'll give your number to him. But if he won't call it's none of my fault," he raised his hands. "I don't wanna lose two good customers 'cause of that."

"Don't worry about that. Now, give us some of the pills you were talking about."


Grey got a call four days later. They took the bait, the boss seemed interested. He gave an address where they could meet up.

Grey and Cato were surprised as they arrived at the address. They expected an abandoned warehouse or something like that with fighting dogs around. But their imagination turned out to be too big again. It was a family house.

The boys looked at the house then at each other. Grey shrugged, went to the door and rang the bell. A big, bald man opened the door.

"Hey. We have an 'appointment'," said Grey.

The man nodded and let them in. He searched them for guns or any other weapons.

"The second door on the left," he said and pointed towards the hall. He knocked on the door.

"Come in!" they heard from inside.

The man opened the door and they went inside.

It was an office, but before that it was probably a bedroom, the bed was pushed to the corner and it was lying on its side. In front of the door stood a desk with a latino man behind it. He did not look like a typical drug dealer boss from the movies, he was not older than Damon, he was wearing an AC/DC T-Shirt and he was slurping a Starbucks iced coffee.

"Hey, we are the...," Cato started, but the man interrupted.

"The guys who want to get into business. Let's get to it. I'm Pedro, by the way," he stood up and offered his hand.

"I'm Matt," Grey introduced himself. "And this is Luke," he pointed at Cato. These were the names they used for the last weeks during the job. They shook Pedro's hand.

They all sat down.

"I don't care about who you are. I don't care about the sad story of why you need the money or how you think that it is easy money. So we can skip that part. Normally I do 80 to 20. But we can agree on 75 to 25, as you look great and probably gonna make more traffic as others in worse conditions. You pay upfront, you get your package, you sell for a recommended price. If you wanna sell for less money in hope of having bigger traffic, do that, but I'm not interested in your beef with other dealers if you sell for too cheap. You fuck me over in any way we will know. I might sit here in front of you but there are bigger people involved who don't like snitches. Did I forget something, Frank?"

"No," answered the man standing next to him.

"So, are you in?" asked Pedro, looking eagerly at the boys.

"Yes," said Grey. "But we don't have money with us."

"Thank God, clever boys," laughed Pedro. "I would have withdrawn the offer if you walked in here with that much money."

Cato nodded calmly, this went smoother than they thought.

"What about coming back on Thursday. The first test is to get your starter money anyway. How about five thousand?"

"Make it ten," Grey snapped.

"Cool, eager beavers, I like those," said Pedro then made some notes in a little notebook while slurping the coffee. "See you on Friday then. And don't forget, if you fuck me over..." he did not finish the sentence, only imitated a cutting move with his fingers in front of his neck.

Bros with benefits - Toddlers at the FBIWhere stories live. Discover now