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"It's over,"

Cato entered the common American style living room of their dorms and sat down at the counter.

It was two weeks after New Year's Eve and he just had a date with Nora. The couple had spent the holidays apart because Nora's parents lived in Seattle, but the boys assumed there had been trouble in paradise long before that.

"What happened?" Grey asked, shoving a slice of pizza into his face. "Want some? Pizza always makes me happier"

"You mean every time you are heartbroken over a girl?" Cato looked at him with a suspicious smile.

"Well, no, that doesn't happen to me," he grinned. "I just figured pizza could fix pretty much anything."

"You might be right," Cato sighed and took a slice.

"So?" Thomas asked impatiently.

"So, she said she couldn't just sit at home waiting for me to arrive in one piece. I told her about your mission and she was really freaking out. But I'm telling you, she wasn't like Ivy, it wasn't like she couldn't handle how time-demanding this job is. She just... couldn't handle worrying about me dying. My mom said she was worried sick about my dad, too, until I was born and dad stopped going on missions altogether. Sometimes she says I saved their marriage because if I had been born years later, they might not have lasted like that."

"This really sucks. Girls just don't understand this," Thomas sighed.

"Girls don't understand pretty much anything," Drake added. "There's usually no use to even try to explain."

"Well, let's not try, then," Grey said. "I am not trying and it's perfect. I'm fooling around with whomever I want but I don't break anyone's heart by not providing ... physical security or whatever it was Nora was looking for."

"I wouldn't say you don't break anyone's heart but I kinda agree that when you do, it is not entirely on you. You are pretty open about what you are looking for." Thomas grinned.

"Maybe Grey's right," Cato had a long face. "This life is not compatible with a committed relationship. Unlike Dray, I think it is pretty valid what girls would require in a relationship, but it's true that we can't provide it right now. At least not while we have regular missions, and those are just getting started."

"How about we try Grey's way?" Thomas suggested. "I am not big on one-night-stands but that's pretty much all we can offer. I mean, look at Ivy, and now, look at Nora. It's either the FBI or a normal relationship. If the choice was forever, I would be hesitant, but I think I can do without being committed for a few years."

"Well, like my dad, I am pretty determined to have it both ways," Cato sighed. "But as his example shows, maybe it's a better idea to do them after each other instead of at the same time. So, maybe it's time to get back to casual things for a while."

"Sounds fair to me," Thomas shrugged.

"But are you okay with that? And are you okay with the... breakup?" Drake asked cautiously.

"I'll get over it," Cato sighed. "It's not like I wasn't expecting it or something. I won't be like after Gemma, if that's what you're worried about. You might see me questioning my life choices in the next few weeks, but I don't feel like dying or something."

"We should take you out, anyway," Grey suggested. "You should find a rebound, that will make you feel better."

"You would know," Cato laughed. "I have a class tomorrow at 8, so I'd rather not shag a random tonight, though."

"How about the weekend?"

"Okay," Cato nodded. "But only with someone who is looking for the same thing for real."

Bros with benefits - Toddlers at the FBIWhere stories live. Discover now