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The four weeks of suspension went by really fast. The boys had to study really hard if they were gonna pass their exams at least with Bs, and as they had nothing to distract them, it went quite okay. After their last exam, they decided to go home to Willowsbay for the weekend to relax and to hang out at the Grill for a night. They haven't done that in ages.

Even Drake made it in time, even though he had to fly back from Harvard after spending 3 days taking exams there, too.

As usual, everyone under 30 in town was there. The boys ordered beers and sat down in a box.

They were exhausted but also kind of calm and proud of themselves for having accomplished their exams. The previous 4 weeks were a good opportunity for them to calm down a little and think about their priorities. They felt ready to re-join the FBI, they were only waiting for the call.

And it finally came. Drake's phone rang and Damon's name was glowing on the screen. He stood up and left the bar. He was a bit worried Grey would be jealous it was Drake Damon called and not him, but what he said mattered a lot more.

Their suspension was over and they were allowed to continue their duties.

Drake thanked Damon but he was too happy to say anything else. They agreed to meet at his office on Monday and they hung up.

Drake rushed back to his friends to tell them the good news.

"Yeeeeeeeeees!" Grey shouted and he forgot that a minute ago he was, indeed, offended that Damon did not dial his number about the news.

Thomas and Cato, who were sitting next to each other, hugged each other and laughed.

"I should call Rachel," Drake said.

"Oh yes, I wouldn't have liked to see my sister's face when I tell her that we are not gonna stop. Thank God I'll have you do it for me now," Grey sat back and smiled. "Tell her that you forced me, too. It was absolutely not my decision to be in 'mortal danger' as she likes to call it."

"Yeah, she's gonna believe that 100%," Drake rolled his eyes. "She's gonna kill us both, anyway."

"Well, that's the only way she's gonna stop me from returning," Grey shrugged.

The boys laughed.

It was like their life was on hold for a while but at that moment it was allowed to continue and they were sure that whatever awaits them on the road they will deal with it together.

Bros with benefits - Toddlers at the FBIOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora