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Drake felt that he was getting bigger. He managed to pass the obstacle course without any problems, even at parts where the others struggled. It felt amazing but his shirts were getting tighter as his upper body became more muscular. He was beginning to feel really uncomfortable, although he caught more and more staring gazes from girls. His lowest point was, when during a lecture he bent down for a dropped pen and his shirt simply ripped on his chest. He heard the professor, a middle-aged but attractive woman, literally moaning "Oh, yes!"

As he arrived home, Grey was sitting at the counter eating cereals.

"Who attacked you?" Grey asked.

"My own body," Drake sighed.

"What do you mean?"

Drake raised his left arm, bent it and the ripped textile continued to tear. Grey dropped his spoon in the bowl and went to his friend.

"No way," he said. "I thought something like this only happens in the movies."

"Me too," Drake said and took off his ripped shirt. "It's sad, this was one of my favorites."

"Stay here, don't move," Grey said and went inside his room.

A couple of minutes later he came back buttoning an incredibly tight shirt.

"Wait, isn't that one of Thomas' shirts?" Drake asked.

"I can buy him another one. This is ugly anyway."

Grey spent the next few hours trying to tear the shirt apart. But he could not manage to do it. He was bending his arm, he was reaching high, he turned around, but nothing happened. In the end a button fell off... by his belly.

"Mayhew, are you sure you should pay that much money for your clothes?" asked Grey. "I'm pretty sure Thomas bought this shirt at a thrift store, but I think you couldn't ruin it even with nuclear power."

"Should I give it a try?" Drake joked.

"No. I think Thomas was planning to get his FBI-ID in this anyway. He wears it for literally every occasion. Even for first dates, and stuff. I don't know if it brings him luck or something. If it did, though, he would only have one-night-stands. Anyway, considering how strong this textile is, he probably will be getting married and buried in it as well."


"Hell no! I want another round," Cato said.

He was in their room with Drake already in bed talking before going to sleep as they usually did.

"No. I just had to choose between Rachel, Grey and Thomas," Drake answered. "It's mom, Hazel and Ashley."

"But I have known Hazel since forever and he's like a second mom to me."

"I was generous. I could have said your mom as well."

"Yuck! You are crazy. And it's not a fair game, if I say I would kill Cassndra you would kill me while I was asleep," Cato opposed.

"Would you really kill her?" Drake asked.

"I'm not sure, she's at least rich as hell... It is tough... Ashley is..."

"A MILF?" Drake asked.

"You're the one who said it..." Cato grinned.

"It has to do something with the fact that she is not the mother of the year," Drake said. "So, what is your decision?"

"Kill Ashley, fuck Cassie, marry Hazel," Cato said.

"So you don't want money, but you want the Hawthorne children..." Drake laughed.

"Well, it would be fun to be Grey's father," Cato laughed. "Okay then, what is your decision? Mom, Hazel, Ashley."

"Marry Sheila for sure."

"Wow, that was quick," Cato said, laughing.

"She is nice, she seems caring and romantic. I think we would get along well."

"Should my father be jealous?" Cato grinned.

"Yeah, he might have a reason. I am planning to ask your mother out for a while now."

"And the others?"

"Kill Ashley and fuck Hazel?"

"Grey would be furious."

"He would be either way..." Drake said. "There is no good choice."

"You see?" Cato laughed.


Thomas was standing in front of the mirror touching his hair for the last time.

"Is your mom coming?" Grey asked.

"It would be surprising, considering that she doesn't know about it." Thomas said and left their room.

"What?" Grey asked, following him.

Cato looked up from his phone.

"What's up?" he asked.

"Thomas didn't tell Ashley about the ceremony," he answered.

Cato took a deep breath, but he remained silent. He knew how the mother-son relationship between Ashley and Thomas worked, or more correctly did not work. He and Drake tried to avoid this topic, because most of the time Thomas got completely shut and ice cold. Grey did not give up, though, Cato even knew that he texted Ashley from time to time.

"But Ben is coming today, right?" Cato asked, trying to change the topic even if only slightly.

"Yes, he said that he wouldn't miss it. He will also bring Emily. I haven't even seen her pregnant yet."

"Tommie, pl..." started Grey, but the look on Thomas' face made him stop.

He was smiling, but Grey has not seen a scarier fake smile before.

"Thank you, Grey, for trying to support me in solving my long-run, deeply-rooted problems with my mother, but I would prefer if you could stay away from it," he said.

As he finished, the smile left his face.

"Please don't do that again," Grey said.

"Positive reinforcement? I learned that it would be helpful to focus on the positive things even if you want to hit the other one. Maybe you should try."

"Okay, okay, but that smile. It doesn't look good on you," said Grey.

"Oh, I'm gonna practice, then."

Cato got up and knocked on their door.

"Draaaaake, I know that you just bought a new wardrobe, but we're gonna be late."

"I'm coming," he said and opened the door.

Everything he wore was perfectly new. Even his boxers because he got carried away during shopping. The boys agreed that Drake never looked better. And they were ready to go to their ceremony.

Bros with benefits - Toddlers at the FBIWhere stories live. Discover now