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Thomas was starting to wake up. He felt like his head was going to explode but as he wanted to touch it he realized that he could not move. He opened his eyes but shot them immediately. The lamps were hurting his eyes.

"Look, Sleeping Beauty is awake," he heard a voice.

Someone shook him.

"Hey, wakey-wakey," he heard a familiar voice.

He was about to doze off again but someone slapped him.

"Frankie, you could be a little nicer to our guest," he heard the familiar voice again. As he regained consciousness he recognized Pedro's voice.

He opened his eyes slowly and looked up.

"Good morning, sleepy head. You were out for a while, weren't you," Pedro smiled.

"Where am I?" he asked. He tried to move his hands but they were tied strongly. "What do you want?"

"I thought we could have a little chit-chat."

"Why should I be tied to a chair for that?"

"I wanted to make sure that you are gonna talk to me," Pedro smiled. "This is my friend, Frank. He is here to help me make you talk."

"I won't say anything to you," Thomas said. The next second Frank slapped him.

"We will see about that," Pedro said, walking around his chair.

Thomas felt that his mouth started to bleed. He spat on the floor.

"What do you want from me?"

Pedro stopped in front of him and looked down.

"First of all, I want names."

"I won't give out anybody to you."

"What?" Pedro seemed confused for a second. "Oh, you dummy who cares about the people who work for the FBI. I want to know who you are observing. I want to know who you think is a threat. I want to know who does what in this beautiful state. And of course I also want to know what the bureau knows about me."

"I get it why you want to know about your things but what is it with the others?"

Pedro started to walk around again.

"This job... This field is competitive, you know. I always have to be aware of my next moves. I must know who is in danger, who is safe, and I must know who I can push under the bus, if the situation so requires. Metaphorically speaking. Or literally."

Thomas could see that this man was a real player. In any other situation he would have asked him to play chess with him.

"Why do you think that I know these things?" he asked. "I started only a few months ago."

"I know, and that makes you my perfect candidate. A beginner with loads of paperwork, observant and hard-working. Now talk and get this over with."

"No," he said simply.

This time he was hit in the stomach. He felt like he was gonna vomit, but he kept it back.

"We had a fucking deal," he groaned.

Pedro raised his hands.

"I kept myself to the deal, but I don't remember saying anything about a situation like this. And I felt like I was giving much but getting way too little."

Thomas managed to straighten up again.

"I found it weird anyway that you were so eager to give away that information, but you were only helping yourself."

"A good businessman finds the opportunity everywhere," Pedro shrugged. "Now about those names..."

Thomas shook his head.

"Frank, I'll give you a few minutes, I need to make a call. Would you please make sure that he is talking when I get back? I'm getting tired of this."

Bros with benefits - Toddlers at the FBIWhere stories live. Discover now