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Thomas was deeply lost in his thoughts on his way to the dorms.

The agreement went on for a few weeks then. And Pedro kept his part of the deal. Grey received messages with addresses or names every two or three days. These crumbs of information seemed extremely helpful in their work. Soon Grey and Cato claimed that they had reached a dead end so they were taken off the case. They had a lot to do in the city anyway.

Thomas felt like they were doing something guilty. He could not look Damon in the eyes, and he knew that Cato felt the same. In Drake's opinion they were helping more people with Pedro's help as if the man had been put behind bars but he had his doubts as well. Although Grey claimed that this is a perfect win-win situation and it would not last forever anyway he was continuously looking for something incriminatory against Pedro.

Besides that, Thomas had many other problems too. His brother started to get distant again, which was normal to some extent, but it still hurt his feelings. He had troubles at school as well, he could not concentrate on the lectures, he forgot about the tasks he had to do and his professors noticed that as well.

All in all, he was not in a good mindset. If only he had been a little more about the world around him, he might have noticed that someone was following him. He might have heard the steps of the man behind him. He might have realized that there was someone behind him before he felt that hit on the back of his head.


Grey woke up in the middle of the night. It was strange, because the fact that woke him up was that he was alone in the room. He checked his phone, it was 3:23 am. Not like Thomas was not staying out with girls since their deal, but he always sent a message at least.

He checked the couch in the living room. Sometimes they slept there when they did not want to wake up the other, but he was not there, either. Grey went back to his bed and tried to go back to sleep thinking that it was probably nothing. But somehow he knew it was something.

He did not sleep well after that and he was awake early in the morning. He made some coffee for himself and sat down. He checked his phone every two seconds and at 7:30 he decided that it was an acceptable time to text.

Hey! Are you okay? Where are you?

Grey never knew that thirty minutes could last that long. That was when Drake came out of the room. Until then, Grey tried to train, took a shower, tried to watch television and ate half of the stuff in their kitchen.

"Did you hear from Thomas?" Grey asked immediately.

"No. Why?" Drake yawned.

"He didn't sleep at home."

"Good for him, sometimes you snore."

"This isn't funny. I have a bad feeling."

"Okay, but don't jump to conclusions. It is only 8 o'clock."


"We fucked up!" Grey shouted.

They were standing in the empty room, which was Pedro's office a few weeks before. The whole house was emptied out.

Their day was tense. Grey could not be calmed down. He was walking up and down in their dorm room. Drake and Cato would not let Grey's jitters get over them. They were able to remain cool-headed until 3 pm. Then Cato broke first.

At 4 Grey got up and told them he was going to the house of Pedro. The boys did not have to be forced to go with him.

Grey kicked in the door.

"Ramirez!" he shouted in the silence of the hall, but noone answered.

They searched the house from the basement to the attic, twice, but they did not find anything.

They met in the room.

"Now what?" Cato asked. He was looking at Drake not because he waited for the solution from him but because he was not able to look at Grey who was pulling out the drawers of the desk for the millionth time.

"We need help," Drake admitted. "Grey, stop!"

Grey looked up. He looked like a tortured animal. He went to them.

"We need help from the FBI," he said. "And we need it as soon as possible."

Grey took out his phone and dialed Katherine.

Bros with benefits - Toddlers at the FBIWhere stories live. Discover now