Chapter 21: Dear Auntie A . . .

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The next morning I woke up inside a colorful house that looked as if it was made of lots of different colors of coral. Everyone lied asleep. Oceana was asleep in a chair, snoring gently. Island sat on a couch with Isle and Atlantic on either side of him. Isle sat taking up most of the space and Atlantic lied in Island's lap. That group wasn't snoring at all. Rylie and Kylie were sharing a bed, Rylie was on one end and Kylie's tail flapped near Rylie's face. I felt the cloth beneath me, I was in a bed too. Kai wasn't that far away, he was the only one sitting on the floor. He looked so harmless and sweet, not as fierce as he looked when we were escaping. I gently slipped off the heavy thick kelp that was used as a blanket and swam over to the little door. I thought I heard Kai stirring as I left, like he could feel my presence leaving the room. I hesitated to go out the door when I turned back, but decided if I cried, I didn't want to disturb anyone.
    I swam over to a little boulder in the back of the house, and squeezed into a small space that was hidden from the rest of the sea. I was sure no one would know where to look unless I had showed it to them. I was behind the house and under the part that looked like it was a balcony, big rocks surrounded me. Multiple holes were drilled into the coral, separating me from everyone else. There was one hole that showed into a bedroom, another hole showcased a dark room, dimly lit by the sun from the window in the back. I let my body become limp and curled up at the bottom below all the holes.
    Auntie A, why did you leave me and have to push me out a window? Why didn't you stop my mom from going to the surface, so she would've never met my dad and I never would've had to have all this pressure on my shoulders of a whole entire city falling under the hands of Rob? You know that I know that we both know that there's no way I could do this, so why did you put all of your trust into a twelve year old girl who doesn't know anything about the sea? I've always felt connected to it but that doesn't count, it doesn't. After all that though I miss you, I miss you so much. But you're not here to give me your smart advice, you're on land like I should be but instead I'm in the water.
    My tears were washed off my face into the ocean making it seem like they had never been there in the first place. Which made me feel like I wasn't crying, causing me to stress out. I had seen a quote once. It said,'Crying isn't a sign of weakness, crying is a sign that you've been strong too long.' I had always admired the quote, I didn't know the author by name.
    Someone groaned shaking me out of my thoughts. I swam up toward the hole aimed at the room. Hadn't there been six people before? Anyway, Island was the one who groaned. I looked through another hole and saw a kitchen that looked squeaky clean. "Looks like you found my secret spot." I raised my hand ready to blast someone with a water ball, but realized it was just Kai. I sniffled,"Yeah, hi." I acted like I wasn't ready to annihilate Kai a second ago because I thought he was someone else and acted like I was going to wave at him. He squinted then said,"Have you been crying?" I felt he had said that as an insult,"Well, so what! Doesn't everyone? My friend told me that if you don't cry at least once in our life then you could explode because all the-the tears and emotions build up inside of you and they have nowhere to go. Although she does also think gnomes are evil elves so . . . " Kai chuckled then squeezed in next to me. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it as an insult, I was asking because I saw little bubbles floating around." I opened my mouth about to ask him what bubbles when he popped one right in front of me. There were bubbles everywhere, I couldn't believe I didn't notice them before. "I was just thinking about my aunt." I said, making it just above the qualifications to count as a whisper. Kai looked through the hole into the bedroom just like I had and sighed. "I think about them all the time, you know. My parents, I mean." Now I knew who Kai was looking at. "I'm sure you try your best protecting them." Kai looked at me and nodded. "They were so young when it happened." His eyes looked glassy. "No one should have to go through that, especially two toddlers who didn't even understand what was happening at the moment." He seemed ready to pound someone. "They were too young," he said through gritted teeth. I could tell he was trying his hardest not to cry and especially in front of me. Being the softie that I am, I started tearing up too. "I am so sorry. If it makes you feel any better I don't know where my parents are." Kai turned towards me and smiled, I smiled back and scooted a bit closer. I wondered where my parents were and what they were doing? If they were alive.
After thinking about it for a while I decided to call my little cave," Made for Two."

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