Chaoter 38: Powers

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Kai woke me up several hours later. He whispered into my ear," Zayana, it's time to wake up. Zayana?" He was stroking my hair. I pushed against the couch to get up and fell back against Kai." I'm too tired. Go away." He gently pulled me up and rested me back on the couch. I lied there for a few minutes. When Kai came back he had a mug with something delicious smelling inside, I sat up immediately," What's that?" I asked quietly, I looked around and Kylie was sleeping still tied up and had the tape on her mouth, Atlantic was on opposite ends of the bed with Island, and Rylie was lying on the bigger than normal chair. He handed it to me," It's coffee, my special kind. Try it, it's really good." I sipped it and fell in love," This is the best, Kai!" He smiled his cheesy smile," Thanks," it tasted like sweet coffee and doctor pepper and caramel and ice cream, which might not sound the best but you should really try it anyway. It's worth trying. He pulled me and I reluctantly got up, Kai had packed a backpack with two hoodies, more of the magical coffee, travel cups, and lots of sea fruit. I grabbed the map and slipped it into the backpack, but I kept the poster and the real necklace in my tail. I grabbed Kai's hand and we both looked back before we left the coral house. It was still dark outside and it seemed really peaceful with glowing thingamajiggers floating around me along with fish that seemed to smile. I looked around for CiCi on the way but couldn't find her so I guessed I'd just have to rely on my own hearing skills. We swam through the quiet streets of the city. I promised myself after all this was over I would explore the whole city. We easily slipped past the dozing guards and made it to the kitchen, through Aguas secret room, and the crawling space behind the board I had blasted to pieces. I huffed," Ok, here we go," I don't know why I was nervous. We swam through and made it to yet another secret bedroom, but I knew this wasn't the room. I searched for the vent or anything to swim through that led to a secret room. I sensed the bed had something to do with it so I told Kai to search everywhere else while I searched under the bed and around. I checked the pillow, blankets, and walls, then searched under. I pressed a button, under the bed against the wall and a little slit opened. I almost didn't make it through, my butt was too big and the little doorway was so small I had to squeeze my stomach in super tight. Agua couldn't possible be this small. " Kai, look." He swam in next." Woah, let's go." I grabbed his arm," Be cautious, ok." He nodded looked inside and then grabbed my arm pulling himself through." So this is it." I looked around at the one table and all the different color potions on it. There were notes scattered all across the room. I didn't take Agua to be a nerd but he proved me wrong while I gazed at science and math equations I couldn't understand. "An . . . anger/control potion?" I thought back to the queen and Kylie. I couldn't believe it! " Those are his test subjects! The queen and Kylie and probably more . . . he's practicing these - this thing on people!" I realized. Kai patted my back," The queen was nicer the year before and then she became more and more strict and unstable and insecure, the following months." I thought about it," So Kylie said she knew an Eduardo right? And he does potions? Well, what if we asked him to do a counteraction potion and uh, like a dumb potion? For Agua." Kai snapped his fingers," You're right and-" I covered Kai's mouth and motioned for him to be quiet. Someone was close. Really close, like extremely close. I didn't have to hear it, I could sense it. I motioned toward the vent and he understood. We both quietly swam inside. It was a tight space. Inside the vent, it was freezing and the water was being pumped so intensely from the top. I was glued to the bottom of the vent, no matter how hard I tried to move. Kai grabbed a bunch more papers and stuffed them into his backpack. He closed the vent behind us and for some reason he had rocks in his backpack, I didn't even notice when he put them inside. He grabbed them and stuffed them in between the fans so they couldn't pound water on us. I looked through the little vent lines and saw Agua swim in, his eyes bloodshot and his face exhausted. I almost exclaimed, but didn't make any noise, in vents the sound echoed more loudly, and I'd be giving him a signal to let him know someone was watching him. I felt something crawling on my back I turned around and saw a spider, not a spidermaid, a literal spider. A freaking water spider was crawling on my back! I am so deadly afraid of spiders! It actually looked like a tarantula. There are freaking water spiders in here! I was about ready to scream and cry in torture until Kai grabbed me, flicked the spider off my back, and covered my mouth. The spider hissed and almost bit me, instead Kai grabbed the spider and took it to a far away corner in the vent. I heard a soft shriek and curled up into a ball covering my ears. Kai came back and pulled me in his arms. It's ok He whispered but didn't say it. What? I looked at Kai but he didn't seem to notice. I stayed in his hold but was careful." I'm tired. Leviathan, she tricked me with this fake necklace! Told me it was real! Oh, shut up, Leviathan. Of course I know that. Could you like for five seconds stop talking about her like that? I don't think she has a boyfriend." There was silence." Leviathan!" A long silence. We waited, occasionally Agua would say "uh huh" or "uh uh." Then I guess one of the rocks got unstuck and flung out of the fan. Kai and me both looked at each other with our eyes out of our head. It kept on bouncing, kept on making noise. Agua glanced at the vent suspiciously then went back to the phone, then I heard him say." Wait, I got to get something to eat, I'll be back in a second." He disappeared and I almost opened the vent, it's too easy Kai said, but didn't say. I tensed at his words. What was he doing? How was he doing that? We gotta go now, I have a bad feeling about this. I nodded, ignoring the weird thing happening we started crawling away. Kai was scaring me just as much as that spider was at that point. Kai slowly collected all the rocks he had stuck in the fans along the way. The vent let out by the side of the palace. Except the vents were locked. Nailed down with something, we couldn't escape. I pushed against the vent with all my strength while I waited for Kai. He was collecting the rocks. Kai easily pushed the vent out of the way. I think I had an idea of what Kai's powers might be. I let him get out first, Kai grabbed my hand and tried to pull me out but couldn't. Agua had hold of me." Agua, let go! Let go!" I screamed Kai closed his eyes and breathed slowly then pulled me out with one yank." I'll get you! Both of you!" Agua shouted at us. I shut the vent hard and Agua yelled in pain. Kai grunted, I looked toward him," Kai, are you okay?" He nodded even though he was gripping the side of his stomach," I'm fine, I'm fine." I nodded," Okay." I eyed him suspiciously. As we swam on later I mentioned what I thought about his powers," I think I know what your powers are for now." He cleared his throat," What?" I could tell his side was still hurting a little bit," You have super strength and you can talk in my mind!" It was now his turn to look at me suspiciously." Did you hit your head in that vent? Are you still traumatized by that spider? I read somewhere that when your traumatized you start seeing and hearing things that aren't real." I groaned and rolled my eyes. Was I that traumatized? " I'm serious, you were talking to me in the vent but you weren't talking to me. You get me?" He put his hand on my forehead, I swatted it away," And when I was trying to open the vent I couldn't then when you tried you moved it out the way like a feather. And I'm also super strong so I'd know when something was impossible." He tilted his head like he was thinking about it," Maybe, or maybe your just crazy." When Kai looked at me smiling I backed away a bit then blasted him with a very small bubble. He looked at me, annoyed," Don't ever call me crazy again." I said seriously he nodded and bowed," Anything you want, your Majesty." He looked up and grinned. I playfully hit him in the arm," Stop it." After a second I said," It's Princess." Kai led me to a place so very far away he had to give me a ride part of the way. While sitting on his back I asked," Were you and Oceana really together?" I leaned against his back while he seemed to try to find the right words to say this." I mean, we were, but not together together just good friends." There was a pause," So what'd you do?" I asked, Kai glared then said," It wasn't my fault. Things got complicated after the pearl necklace and her barnacle head sister," I chuckled." How much further?" " Not long, since the last time you asked two minutes ago. We have about - oh we're here." I slid off and gawked at the big tunnel that seemed like it went on for an eternity," Is this where Eduardo lives?" Kai nodded,"Hello, guests!" A country voice echoed from the tunnel.

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