part four- ❝be more confident

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I woke up as I planned at 2.30 am I almost didn't have sleep at all. But before falling asleep I was thinking about all this, and I was like I will play lesbian, like I will be the gay character, and maybe kiss scarlett... OMG! Still can not believe that, but I will know everything on set.

After 50 minutes I get to the car, I almost fall asleep while driving, I will say kinda dangerous, but anyway everyone are fine, for now. I turn on the radio, and I heard the news, scarlett johansson will get divorced with colin jost (it's just a fanfiction guys, remember). I was shocked I didn't expect it, they are together for like an 2 years, something bad had happened, and I'm sure about it.

When I got on set I was still in a big shock, I did not know how scarlett will act now, or will she even come?

But I saw her getting to her trailer, being sad, I mean I'm not surprised. Who wouldn't be sad. I do not know should I go to her or better not, we are not friends so mabey I will not, she could feel kinda awkward, and I dont want her to feel that way.

Okay, I have to take a look what scene are we shooting today. It's named... first meeting. It's about natsha meeting elena, I guess it's my character name. I feel so embarrassed for not even knowing what role I audition for, anyway the shooting starts in 25 minutes so I have to get ready.

Director: Okay so y/n your character- elena is 18 and natsha is 22 in that time-line. Remember that your character just got here, she never been in anything like that, you have to show how she fall in love with natasha STEP BY STEP. The story is before tasha go to avengers, in this time 2005 you are both in a red room. The scene that we filming now is the first meeting, you just get there after the russians kill your parents, you have to be emotional. EYES IN TEARS. Natasha at first will just look at you with poker face, she could not believe anyone for now. You both get it? I will be back in 5 minutes and then we start shooting.

We both just nodded I looked in scarlett's eyes and I could feel her pain, the tears in her eyes, I came a little closer and look deeply in her eyes.

y/n: Hey, are you holding up?
scarlett: No not really.

The tear came out of her eye. I couldn't look at her crying anymore, I didn't care if that's properly for me to hug her, but I did it anyway. I could feel how she hugged me back, the tears flowing down on my back. It's kinda weird for people that just met to hug like that right?

After director came he looked at scarlett and say, did you cry? because your makeup is kinda fuzzy. Then i came close to him and ask, didn't you hear? That explain it all he had no idea he just look on scarlett, and told her that he is sorry that she have to shot with that problem being in her mind, but do not remove your makeup it will give the effect- he said.


It was so quiet, that I could hear my own heartbeat, that was unbelievable fast.

But I did what director told me to do, I just you know start snobbing, the actors that were the guards put in a room, I didn't evenhave a line in this scene. I just lay down look at the ceiling and feeling my tears flowing down on my cheeks. That was planned of course.

Then it was scarlett line she was passing by my room and just said

scarlett: I guess you new here, I have a surprise it will be only worst. You have to be more confident if you want to survive.

Now I should just look at her and don't answer anything, so I did.

director: Fabulous job girls!

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