part eight - ❝ i fucked up

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scarlett's pov:
Fuck, I really messed up. Why I raised my voice that much?! I mean I know why I am acually terrified of what she said to me, she is too young to handle it herself. I'm older and I could never... I guess I will apologize and talk to her tomorrow.

y/n pov:
I just got back to home, it was bad acually, I didn't know that this job will be my remainder of past. Only thing that make this day a little better was flo. Now I just have to go my night routine and go to sleep, pretending that today was fantastic.

It was hard for me to fall asleep but I finally did after an hour, I guess.

I woke up at 10 am the day was sunny and hot, but I didn't feel so hot ( that was supposed to be funny, but it isn't 💀). I get to kitchen look to fridge... I guess I have to go buy some food, because my fridge is full, full of light. I dressed up and get to market.

When I got to there it was full of people, as always. So I got some cereal, milk, oreos and apples. I don't need anything more that's enough for me.

The line was so long, it will take ages to wait. I got pissed off a little.. It is like eleven in the morning why there are so many people, shouldn't they sleep or something?!

I got to home after almost an hour, that's insane. It was a long hour. Now I will just lay down on my bed and watch something.

I'm sorry is so short I promise i will do next one that will be longer

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