part twenty-three - ❝gun

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"I wanted to say can I kiss you like that on screen..?"- she said clearly surprised but she was also blushing and I was feeling so embarrassed that my cheeks got red

"I'm so sorry scarlett"

"It's fine, let's pretend it was our practice"

But I don't want that to be a practice...

"Yeah, a practice"

It was the end of the shoot, and I was about to leave, but I was still surprised and embarrassed by what had happened. But she appears to enjoy it, which is exactly what I was hoping for. I was about to leave when she began speaking to me.

"What do you think about a sleepover? I know is kinda childish but I thought you maybe would like to plus my kids are at my mom's house"- she said

"Emm today?"

"Yeah, or maybe if you are busy..."

"No I'm not, I will be there at 8. Okay I have to hurry now so see you!"

But, I mean, I accepted her invitation, but I'm not sure if that's a good idea. I don't want to mess things up again. She appears to enjoy the kiss, but she may not.

I got back home by bus. I packed everything making sure I was ready for anything. I'm both excited and terrified. What if I make another mistake? I like her, and it drives me insane. I can't like her because she has a husband, still. It would be wrong. But I can't stop myself, I don't control it.

After hour I was knocking on her door. There was no response.

"Are you here, Scarlett?"-I inquired

There has still been no answer. It's strange that the door was left unlocked. I came inside. Before I could call her name again, I heard her coughing in the bathroom. She sounded like she was vomiting. I got worried.

I dashed to the restroom and attempted to open the doors, but they were locked.

"Scarly, it's me; please let me in."

I heard a door open and saw her standing there, looking as if she was about to pass out. I wrapped my hands around her body, attempting to keep her still.

"What is it?"- I inquired softly.

"I don't know, when I got home, I started feeling really bad."- she said

"Let's go get some pills for you."

"I can't walk" she sobbed.

"Why are you crying? It's all right, scar"- I told her, picking her up and wrapping her legs around my waist. She rested her head on my shoulder.

We went upstairs to her room, where I placed her on her bed. I wrapped her in a duvet and began searching my bag for some pills. Thank God, I'm prepared for anything.

"Do you have your period?"- I asked, placing my hand on her forehead to check if she had a fever.

"I haven't had one in about two months"- she mumbled.

"That's bad, Scarlett, you need to see a doctor."- I said, concerned, and she nodded.

"I have all kinds of pills, so just tell me what's hurt you."

"Head and stomach."- she mumbled, her voice trembling. I felt terrible for her.

"I'll be right back."- I promised, and she nodded.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water. I returned to her bedroom after closing the front door.

When I returned, she was curled up in a ball, her head hidden. I approached her and kneeled in front of her. I gently rubbed her shoulder and kissed her on the top of her head.

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