part nineteen- ❝i want you to sleep here

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We slowly headed to scarlett's car, people were looking confused at her feet, but she seems like she don't give a shit about it.

y/n: Scarly I don't think is a good idea to go barefooted on new york streets. I mean there is a lot of glass on the ground.- I said softly
scarlett: It's a very bad idea, but I have to go back somehow.- she answered
y/n: maybe we should call for florence, I really don't want you to get hurt.
scarlett: Yeah you right, I'm gonna call her.

She took her phone and called florence.

scarlett: Hey flo can you pick us up  we are next to this museum of modern art or something. Oh and take my heels please. Don't ask questions.

I didn't hear what florence anserwed, but scarlett told me that she would be here in a minute. I was feeling bad that they won't do a interview because of me.

y/n: I'm sorry.- I said and looked at the ground
scarlett: Hey! Sorry about what? None of this is your fault, none.- she said confidentiality.
y/n: But it is scarlett. Maybe it's because of my clothes?- I asked
scarlett: clothes have nothing to do with it, and even if they had you have all your body covered.- she answered
y/n: Yeah I guess...- I said sadly an another tear ran down my cheek, scarlett saw that, she putted her heads on my cheeks and looked deeply into my y/e/c eyes.
scarlett: I will say it one and last time. It's not your fault.- she said softly

After a few minutes florence was already there.

scarlett: What took you so long?!- scarlett yelled to her
florence: I'm sorry, but one of your heels was in a dressing room and other was like under some couch.- she rolled her eyes
scarlett: I'm sorry but I had to be fast so I took them off- she did innocent face I giggled a little when I heard their fake argument
scarlett: Now give me my shoes!
florence: They are on the backseat- she said pointing to it

We sat on backseats and fast our seat belts. Now I remembered that I will be alone at my house, again. I didn't want to after today's situation.

y/n: I don't want to go home.- I mumbled
scarlett: why?- she asked me confused
y/n: I don't wanna be alone.- I answered quietly and scarlett grabbed my hand
scarlett: I'm sorry florence but you have to change the direction, give us a ride to my house. But my house not apartment flo.- she said and I got a little confused
florence: But it's like on the edge of new york, it will take ages till we got there. At least 2 hours.
scarlett: Please florence.
florence: I mean it's not a problem for me, it's just a long drive.

y/n: Wait what is happening?- I whispered to scarlett
scarlett: You didn't want to be alone right?

I didn't anserwed anything I just smiled at her.

I putted my head on her shoulder and I heard a little, quite "awww". To be honest I didn't know who did that. Scarlett? Florence? I was so exhausted that I fall asleep almost immediately.

I woke up and we were next to a big house, surrounded by a lot of trees.

scarlett: psttt, y/n are you asleep?- she whispered
y/n: No, no I'm not- I mumbled
scarlett: so come on we are already there.- she told me and pulled me carefully by my hand.

y/n: Wait were are your kids?
scarlett: currently at colin's house.- she smiled at me
y/n: Oh sorry I didn't mea- I couldn't finish sentence because she said
scarlett: Hey it's okay.

Scarlett hugged florence and thank her. Flo waved at me drove away. It was already dark outside, and it was quiet here, like really quiet. It felt so safe. I was berly seeing anything, my vision was blurry and dark. I accidentally stepped on rock, and if scarlett didn't catch me I would be on a ground.

scarlett: You okay?- she asked softly
y/n: Yeah sure, it's just a rock- I said with a sleepy voice and giggled

After few minutes we were finally in front of her house. She opened the door and we get inside. Now I was so tired that I couldn't even see anything, scarlett grabbed my hand and we headed to the room.

scarlett: watch out.- said when I almost fall from the stairs.
y/n: I am careful.- I said

When we were finally in the room she turned on a bright light, I squint my eyes. I was sitting on a bed, like a king size one.

y/n: Wait who's room is this?
scarlett: mine, but i will sleep in a guest room so don't worry.- she said
y/n: It's your house, so you should be sleeping in your own bed.- I said while yawning
scarlett: anyway, you want some clothes, because I don't think that sleeping in this outfit will be comfortable.
y/n: if you have something that I could borrow, I will be thankful.
scarlett: Of course, choose whatever you want to.- she pointed on her big wardrobe and slowly left the room.

I got up, opened the wardrobe door. I mean wow, there is a lot of clothes I'm not gonna lie, but I was looking for something oversize. I know that if I will wear tight top, scarlett will figure out that I don't really eat too much. I have a big underweight. I saw black baggy ac/dc t-shirt, and I put it on, I also found some oversize shorts. I took off my shoes and sat at the edge of the bed.

y/n: Scarly!- I yelled
scarlett: Yes? Something happened?- she yelled back
y/n: No I'm fine, just can you come over for a second?- I asked loudly
scarlett: I will come in a minute, I just have to put my pajama on.- she said

In the meantime, I was just looking on the big window that was placed on right wall. I could see the new york lamps far away. It looked gorgeous.

After a while I heard footsteps, then a knock on the door.

scarlett: may I come in?- she asked
y/n: Sure!

She was wearing black shorts, and a white t-shirt.

y/n: I will say it again, I don't want you to sleep in guest room, I want you to sleep in your own bed.- I said
scarlett: and I want you to sleep in here.- she said
y/n: I want you to sleep here.- it was an awkward silence, then I realized that it could sounds kinda weird.
y/n: it will be easier for me to fall asleep.- I said trying to convince her and myself that it was my plan
scarlett: I mean yeah why not.- she said and my heart beat became faster. I covered myself with a white duvet. Scarlett turned off all the lights. So now it was dark everywhere.

scarlett: Shit! Stupid dresser.- she said when she accidentally stubbed her foot, I giggled a little
y/n: I'm here, I started waving my hands
scarlett: Oh there you are.- she said and slowly lay down on a bed

y/n: Hi- I said and turned, so now we were face to face
scarlett: Hi- She moved a little closer to me

I wanted to cuddle with her, but I knew I can't. I could feel her warm breath on my face. I actually didn't knew what to do, I didn't want it to be awkward, it already was a little.

scarlett: You comfortable? You don't need anything?- she asked
y/n: No, I'm fine but thanks- I smiled to myself

I closed my eyes, I almost fall asleep when I felt something warm on my hip. It was scarlett's hand. I flinch, because I don't remember when was the last one that someone touched me in this place (it sounds weird).

scarlett: Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.- she said embarrassed and took her hand away
y/n: No it's fine.- I was shaking a little, but I took her hand and put it back on my hip. I moved even closer to her and I putted my hand on her back. We weren't cuddling, but I bet it looked funny.

After few minutes we both were asleep.

A/N: hello to yall, I'm not really sure if this like isn't too much, too fast?

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