part eleven - ❝ stupid heels

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We sat in out table I was next to Florence, I guess we are first. After 10 minutes scarlett was there.

scarlett: I'm sorry I'm la- oh I thought I will be the last oneeeee - she said felling down
y/n: Oh my gosh! You okay?! -  I ran up to her worried
scarlett: I'm fine, just this stupid heels. - she anserw with a laugh
y/n: You sure? - I asked while I was trying to help her stand up
scarlett: Yes I'm sure, and thank you - she smiled
y/n: In case I will take you to the table - I took her hand and we slowly headed to our table

y/n: Her you go my lady - I laugh and pushed the chair back
scarlett: Thank you - she answered gently, smiled slightly and her cheeks became red

Flo looks at me and raised her brow a little. I knew what she mean. I smirked with a laugh and rolled my eyes.

I was trying to start a conversation with scarlett, but Florence stopped me.

flo: Can you go with me to a toilet for a second?
y/n: Emmmm... sureee. Sorry for a second scarlett.
scarlett: Of course

When we get there I didn't really know why I had to go with her.

y/n: What happend? - I whispered
flo: Rest of the cast can't come, because they have to shoot something.
y/n: Okay sure, I mean there is nothing we can do about it, right?
flo: Yeah, but it is other problem, I have to go shoot it too... I don't want scarlett to be here alone. I thought maybe you could stay with her?
y/n: Wait you did know that you will have to go? Or you just get the news now?
flo: Of course now, how could I know and don't tell you?
y/n: Yeah right... but we can't go together, me beeing alone with scarlett, I don't think it's a good idea.
flo: You don't like her? I saw that girl, and it is not a good idea, I mean you can but it should be scarlett's time to rest, and she go on set almost everyday for many years.
y/n: yep, your right I will stay with her
flo: thank you y/n! I will give you some money and go. - she said, hugged me and put some money in my pocket
y/n: You don't ha-

I couldn't even finish my sentence because she was already next to our table explaining scarlett why she have to go. I've been peeped on them for a while. I saw scarlett beeing confused and nodding at what florence was saying.

I get out of the bathroom and headed to the table.

y/n: I guess florence already explained you everything
scarlett: She did but she was talking so fast that I didn't understand like half of it. - she laughed
y/n: Yeah florence can talk really fast. - I laughed back

She was sitting in front of me and I could now see exactly what she was wearing, the pink short glitter dress, and the "stupid heels" I don't know what color they were, I'm not gonna put my head under table right now it would be so awkward.

scarlett: so how was your day y/n? What you've been doing?
y/n: nothing special, just sleeping and did a little shopping, you know food shopping.
scarlett: Ohh.. I get I do not like doing them, and doing it in New York is the worst. The lines are so long, when you at the wrong timing you will wait for 2 hours at least.
y/n: Yes literally, I was waiting for like an hour, I only wanted to buy some oreos - scarlett laughed

y/n: By the way who is taking care of your daughter?
scarlett: Oh, my mother. She wanted to.
y/n: That's- cool

waitress: hello can I take your order?
y/n: scarlett do you know what you want?
scarlett: No,can you give as a minute?
waitress: of course!

scarlett: what you want to eat? I'm paying
y/n: No, no, no I will pay myself, and I'm not even that hungry.
scarlett: So what did you ate that you aren't hungry? - I didn't want to lie so I just said the truth
y/n: ...ehhhmm oreos?
scarlett: Only?! Come it's no way you are not hungry.
y/n: I'm not, maybe I will eat a tomato cream soup?

She look suspicious at me, but then she just called the waitress.

scarlett: We will get tomato cream soup for this lady, and spaghetti for me.
waitress: Any drink?
scarlett: Oh right, one rosé wine and-
y/n: Water, one glass of water.
waitress: Okay thank you - she said and walked away from us

scarlett: Water? Come on girl, why you don't want to have some fun?
y/n: I don't know, I mean I've never drink alcohol before
scarlett: You've never drink any kind of alcohol, like never, NEVER?
y/n: Yes NEVER, NEVER.
scarlett: when I was your age I got drunk few times. The right moment will come, I'm sure.
y/n: Don't act like my grandma. - scarlett giggled

After a few minutes of talking our food and drinks were finally there. The spaghetti was smelling so good, but I can't eat things like that, this soup is already too much for today.

scarlett: You don't want to try? - she asked
y/n: I mean, I can't... - oh wait why did I say that
scarlett: Wait why you can't? You on diet?
y/n: Ehh... yeah something like that.
scarlett: but you can try a little, right? - she said and raised her brow
y/n: Okay, but only a little. - I anserwed because I couldn't handle the smell of the noodles anymore

She smiled and put the fork in my mouth, I didn't ate that kind of food for a long. The taste of it was delicious, I could eat it forever. BUT I CAN'T.

scarlett: So how do you like that?
y/n: The best spaghetti I ate.
scarlett: Knew it is my favorite place with Italian food. - she smiled and take a sip of her wine.

I've never even know that rosé wine exists, I feel like I was living under the rock.

scarlett: Can I get your number?

Wait?! Did scarlett johansson just asked me for my numer?! My lord!

y/n: Of course! - I answered and give it to her as fast as could

What do yall think about last to chapters, they aren't boring or something? I will appreciate if you write your options in comments! Love ya <3

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